The Office of Budget consists of four main divisions: Division of Budget Planning, Execution, and Review (BPER) | Division of Discretionary Programs (DDP) | Division of Health Benefits and Income Support (HBIS) | Division of the Office of the Secretary Budget (DOSB)
Division of Budget Planning, Execution, and Review (BPER)
There are four branches in the Division of Budget Planning, Execution, and Review in the Office of Budget (OB), Office of the Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources (ASFR):
Budget Formulation and Planning Branch (BFP)
The Budget Formulation Planning branch leads HHS’s annual budget formulation processes, including submission of the Department’s budget justifications, legislative proposal development, and budget scorekeeping. BFP also coordinates Department-wide reporting and analysis of a variety of crosscutting budget issues.
Congressional Appropriations Branch (CAB)
The Congressional Appropriations Branch provides technical expertise in tracking and reporting on appropriations and budget-related legislation, serves as the HHS point of contact with Appropriations staff, coordinates preparation for the Secretary's appropriations and budget-related hearings, and manages information requests from Congressional Appropriations Committees.
Program Engagement and Performance Branch (PEP)
The Program Engagement and Performance branch manages and oversees HHS’s enterprise-wide program performance, including HHS’ regular reviews of progress toward strategic objectives and Agency Priority Goals, and supports the implementation of the Executive Order on Measuring, Monitoring, and Improving Organizational Health and Organizational Performance. PEP serves as the Department-wide Customer Experience (CX) Initiative coordinator, working to build CX capacity and improve HHS’ services to the American people.
Fiscal and Legal Review Branch (FLR)
The Fiscal and Legal Review branch provides expertise in budget execution and appropriations law. This branch carries out Department-wide budget execution functions, including apportionments, Treasury warrants, and budget execution data requests. FLR also provides technical analysis of appropriations bills and authorizing legislation with an impact on spending authority.
Division of Discretionary Programs (DDP)
The Division of Discretionary Programs (DDP) in the Office of Budget (OB), Office of the Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources (ASFR) is made up of two branches:
Science and Regulatory Affairs Branch (SRA)
The Science and Regulatory Affairs Branch has responsibility for budget and performance for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Administration for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ), the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR), and the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H).
Public Health and Social Services Branch (PHSS)
The Public Health and Social Services Branch has responsibility for budget and performance for the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Indian Health Service (IHS), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Administration for Community Living (ACL), and rural health, homelessness, and HIV/AIDS discretionary grant issues.
Division of Health Benefits and Income Support (HBIS)
The Division of Health Benefits and Income Support (HBIS) in the Office of Budget (OB), Office of the Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources (ASFR) consists of two branches:
Health and Family Support Branch (HFS)
The Health and Family Support Branch has budget and performance responsibility for Medicaid; CHIP; Private Insurance programs including Federal and State marketplaces, cost-sharing reductions, reinsurance, risk adjustment, risk corridors, Basic Health Plan, and the No Surprises Act; TANF; Foster Care; Prevention Services; Social Services Block Grant; Child Support; and Child Care. The Branch also shares responsibility for the review of models and demonstrations within the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation and the Medicare and Medicaid Coordination Office. The Branch also has responsibility for Medicaid and Private Insurance-related program integrity initiatives.
Medicare and Program Management Branch (MCMSPM)
The Medicare and Program Management Branch has responsibility for Medicare Hospital Insurance and Supplemental Medical Insurance Programs, Quality Improvement Organizations /Quality Measurement, CMS IT Spending, Medicare Contractors, Medicare Integrity Program, HCFAC, Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Durable Medical Equipment, Federal Administration, Health Information Privacy and Portability Act (HIPAA), Survey & Certification, Medicare Prescription Drugs, Medicare Advantage, Beneficiary Education, and the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Program.
Division of the Office of the Secretary Budget (DOSB)
The Division of the Office of the Secretary Budget (DOSB) in the Office of Budget (OB), Office of the Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources (ASFR) provides leadership to the Office of the Secretary on budgetary and financial management issues. DOSB is made up of three branches:
Office of the Secretary Budget Formulation, Funds Control, and Oversight Branch (OS BFO)
The OS Budget Formulation, Funds Control, and Oversight branch has responsibility for activities funded through the multiple OS appropriations accounts, including General Departmental Management (GDM), Medicare Hearings and Appeals (MHA), Office of Inspector General (OIG); Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), and the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund (PHSSEF). The OS BFO also manages several other HHS-wide budget processes, such as Joint Funding Arrangements and the OS clearing account which enables flow of PHS Evaluation funds across the department.
The OS BFO monitors Congressional appropriation action to ensure OPDIV compliance with Congressional directives and annually formulates and presents the OS budget to the Deputy Secretary, Secretary, OMB, and Congress. The BFO also manages the funds control and oversight of resources across OS, by ensuring legal allocation of appropriations, issuing budget resource, apportionments, and allotments for all OS activities, allocating overhead costs and Department-wide bills, and ensuring apportioned authority for direct and reimbursable sources of funding. In addition, BFO leads the OS Internal Controls responsibility for the OPDIV.
Office of the Secretary Budget Execution Services Branch (OSBE)
The OS Budget Execution Services Branch functions as a financial management group representing the following STAFFDIVs: IOS, ASFR, ASL, ASPA, OGA, DAB, IEA, and CFBNP. The OSES supports its STAFFDIVs by providing budget analysis, presentation, execution, and financial reconciliation. The OSBE has responsibility for advising and providing expertise to STAFFDIV leadership as well as the Deputy Secretary and Secretary. The OSBE is also responsible for providing Travel Help Desk support and policy guidance as well as providing Financial Integrity and Quarterly Financial Statement oversight across OS.
Service and Supply Fund Branch (SSF)
The SSF Branch provides fund-wide direction for financial management, budget formulation and execution, fee-for-service rate development, performance measurement, financial statement preparation and Fund compliance with external laws and regulations. The SSF Branch advises the SSF Board on the fiscal and operational implications of its decisions and policies, including rate changes, operating plan revisions, and new activities. It provides analytical and decision support to the SSF Board for special analyses and studies, Board meetings and discussions with OMB.