Topics on this page: Summary of Activities that Continue | Summary of Contingency Staffing Plan
Summary of Activities that Continue
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) will continue activities funded through carryover funding provided under the Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control (HCFAC) Account and carryover funding from the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA). This includes the Senior Medicare Patrol Program and related Medicare program integrity activities as well as Medicare Beneficiary outreach activities. Staff will continue to perform reimbursable work related to managed care consumer information and assistance. Supplemental funding for ACL programs under the Families First Act and the CARES Act was distributed to grantees during FY 2020 and would not be impacted by a lapse in appropriations.
Summary of Contingency Staffing Plan
In the event of a lapse of appropriations, 23 (13%) of ACL staff will be retained including 11 (6%) who are exempt (their activities or position are already funded or otherwise exempt) and 12 (7%) who are excepted (their activities are deemed necessary by implication, or for the safely of human life or protection of property).
Exempt Staff:
A total of 11 (6%) ACL staff will be exempt. Exempt ACL staff include one HHS Officer appointed by the President and 10 staff who support activities that have funding available during lapse in appropriations. This includes staff who are overseeing the Senior Medicare Patrol Program and related Medicare program integrity activities and Medicare Beneficiary outreach activities.
ACL staff will also continue performing reimbursable work related to managed care consumer information and assistance, paid for by mandatory funding appropriated under the Affordable Care Act. Partially funded staff will be limited to working only on funded activities and to the appropriate portion of time.
Excepted Staff:
A total of 12 (7%) ACL staff are considered excepted and can legally continue their activities in the absence of appropriations. These staff fall into the category of those whose work is "necessarily implied" from the authorized continuation of or the need to phase down other activities.
ACL staff will continue involvement in obligations authorized by law, including ACL leadership, budget, HR and IT staff needed to conduct tasks related to an orderly phase down and suspension of operations.