Fiscal Year 2023
Released March, 2022
Topics on this page: Objective 3.4: Increase safeguards to empower families and communities to prevent and respond to neglect, abuse, and violence, while supporting those who have experienced trauma or violence | Objective 3.4 Table of Related Performance Measures
Objective 3.4: Increase safeguards to empower families and communities to prevent and respond to neglect, abuse, and violence, while supporting those who have experienced trauma or violence
HHS increases safeguards to empower families and communities to prevent and respond to neglect, abuse, and violence, while supporting those who have experienced trauma or violence. The Department continues its efforts to promote coordination across the government to address the full range and multiple forms of neglect, violence, trauma, and abuse across the life span. HHS is building a resource infrastructure to ensure equitable delivery of high-quality services to support affected individuals, families, and communities. HHS also leverages data to inform the development of effective and innovative prevention and intervention models to address neglect, abuse, and violence.
The Office of the Secretary leads this objective. The following divisions are responsible for implementing programs under this strategic objective: ACF, ACL, ASPE, CDC, HRSA, IHS, NIH, OASH, and SAMHSA. The narrative below provides a brief summary of any past work towards these objectives and strategies planned to improve or maintain performance on these objectives.
Objective 3.4 Table of Related Performance Measures
FY 2016 | FY 2017 | FY 2018 | FY 2019 | FY 2020 | FY 2021 | FY 2022 | FY 2023 | |
Target | 84% | 84% | 82% | 82% | 75% | 75% | 75% | 75% |
Result | 75% | 75% | 74% | 62% | 56% | 62% | Mar 1, 2023 | Mar 1, 2024 |
Status | Target Not Met | Target Not Met | Target Not Met | Target Not Met | Target Not Met | Target Not Met, but Improved | Pending | Pending |
The staff and volunteers of the National Domestic Violence Hotline (Hotline) provide victims of family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence; family and household members; and other persons such as advocates, law enforcement agencies and the general public with crisis intervention, emotional support, safety planning, domestic violence information, and referrals to local service providers as well as national resources. Measurement of the Hotline’s performance has historically focused on the percentage of total annual responses to calls in relation to the number of calls received. This performance measure acknowledges that tracking the answers or responses to calls is a better determinant of the Hotline’s usefulness than reporting the number of calls received (as previously reported).
In FY 2021, the Hotline answered 396,803 total contacts across platforms (The Hotline and LIR), which is 49,322 more contacts than the Hotline answered in FY 2021. The Hotline’s FY 2021 our overall answer rate was sixty-seven percent (67 percent). On average, callers waited 5 minutes and 37 seconds for a connection to a Phone Services Advocate. Direct connect, which allows an Advocate to connect and transfer a caller to a local provider, was offered by Phone Services Advocates 16,740 times. In FY 2021, the Hotline experienced a significant increase in digital contacts compared to phone contacts. The Hotline’s Digital Services Advocates answered a total of 107,399 Hotline chats in FY 2020, in FY 2021, Digital Services Advocates answered 151,671 Hotline chats. In FY 2021, the Hotline saw an increase in average talk time and wait times during this reporting period, which results in a decrease in advocate availability. The Hotline’s advocates provide survivors with in-depth advocacy, lethality assessment, support, and safety planning which leads to longer interaction times. Less advocate availability does ultimately impact the Hotline’s answer rate and wait times. More survivors are choosing to reach out for the Hotline’s services digitally (for safety reasons, especially during the continued COVID-19 pandemic), and the launch of Hotline text services provided an additional method to do so. On May 13, 2021, the Hotline launched text services by text-enabling the Hotline’s toll-free phone number. On June 14th, the SMS short code- text Start to 88788- for Hotline text services became active. Previously, text services were only available through LIR. The success for answering more contacts can be attributed to efficiencies created through effective scheduling, technological enhancements, and training initiatives for advocates. It is not feasible for 100 percent of calls received to be answered due to unanticipated spikes resulting from media coverage promoting the Hotline phone number and increases in call volume during the rollover of state or local program crisis lines during an emergency or disaster. In addition, some situations require a caller to disconnect before an advocate can answer (e.g. the abuser enters the room). Given the expected continual rise in callers contacting the Hotline, increased hours of training for new advocates, and increased programmatic and financial support to StrongHearts Native Helpline, the Hotline is projected to have a performance rate of 75 percent through FY 2023.
FY 2016 | FY 2017 | FY 2018 | FY 2019 | FY 2020 | FY 2021 | FY 2022 | FY 2023 | |
Target | 6.2% | 6.3% | 6.7% | 6.5% | 6.4% | Prior Result -0.2PP | Prior Result -0.2PP | Prior Result -0.2PP |
Result | 6.5% |
6.9% | 6.7% | 6.6% | 6.2% | Oct 30, 2022 | Oct 30, 2023 | Oct 30, 2024 |
Status | Target Not Met | Target Not Met | Target Met | Target Not Met but Improved | Target Not Met | Pending | Pending | Pending |
The annual performance measure regarding repeat child maltreatment evaluates the trend in the percentage of children with substantiated or indicated reports who experience repeat maltreatment. ACF has set a target of decreasing the percentage of child victims who experience repeat maltreatment by 0.2 percentage points per year. In FY 2017, the rate of repeat maltreatment increased to 6.9 percent, missing the target of 6.3 percent. There was improved performance on this measure for FY 2018 with 6.7 percent of victims having repeat maltreatment, which met the target of 6.7 percent. For FY 2019, the rate of recurrence decreased to 6.6 percent, just missing the target of 6.5 percent. For FY 2020, the rate of recurrence decreased to 6.2 percent, exceeding the target of 6.4 percent. ACF will continue to support states in their efforts to support children and families who are experiencing a crisis, while ensuring the safety of children. The CAPTA State Grant program provides formula grants to states to improve child protective service systems through a range of prevention activities, including addressing the needs of infants born with prenatal drug exposure, referring children not at risk of imminent harm to community services, implementing criminal record checks for prospective foster and adoptive parents and other adults in their homes, training child protective services workers, protecting the legal rights of families and alleged perpetrators, and supporting citizen review panels. The renewed emphasis on prevention efforts, in tandem with funding for the Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) program that also assists states in their efforts to prevent child abuse and neglect while promoting healthy parent-child relationships, may also assist in improving performance in this area. By FY 2023, the program expects to work with states in again reducing the rate of repeat maltreatment by 0.2 percent from the previous year’s actual result.
FY 2016 | FY 2017 | FY 2018 | FY 2019 | FY 2020 | FY 2021 | FY 2022 | FY 2023 | |
Target | N/A | 19,434 cases | 16,255 cases | 23,123 cases | 26,322 cases | 21,105 cases | Prior Result +10 |
Prior Result +10 |
Result | 16,407 cases | 21,644 cases | 34,753 cases | 30,684 cases | 19,186 cases | Jan 31, 2022 | Jan 31, 2023 | Jan 31, 2024 |
Status | Historical Actual | Target Exceeded | Target Exceeded | Target Exceeded | Target Not Met | Pending | Pending | Pending |
This performance measure demonstrates the continued work of the National Human Trafficking Hotline (NHTH) in identifying potential victims of human trafficking and increasing the number of incoming communications from victims and survivors. In FY 2019, the program funding level was increased by 100 percent and the hotline grantee launched an enhanced Interactive Voice Recognition system to prioritize calls directly from victims and those close in proximity to the potential trafficking situation. That year, the hotline identified 30,684 potential victims of trafficking
By FY 2023, ACF aims to increase incoming communications to the hotline from victims and survivors and the number of potential trafficking victims identified by the hotline by ten percent over the average of the previous four years of actual results. This growth is anticipated, at least in part, due to the award of a $1 million contract in September 2021 for Look Beneath the Surface Public Awareness and Outreach Campaign Strategy and Materials. The campaign reflects the diversity of the anti-trafficking community, and messages will be targeted to reach marginalized populations and encourage those experiencing human trafficking to seek help, which will hopefully translate to increased communications to the NHTH.
FY 2016 | FY 2017 | FY 2018 | FY 2019 | FY 2020 | FY 2021 | FY 2022 | FY 2023 | |
Target | 99% |
99% | 99% | 99% | 99% | 99% | 99% | 99% |
Result | 99.97% | 98.67% | 69.3% | 64.9% | 99.27% | Mar 1, 2022 | Mar 1, 2023 | Mar 1, 2024 |
Status | Target Exceeded | Target Not Met | Target Not Met | Target Not Met | Target Met | Pending | Pending | Pending |
Since 2014, ACF has expanded its network of care to be able to continue increasing the percentage of placement designation of referrals of unaccompanied children (UC) from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) within 24 hours of referral. In FY 2017, ACF was able to designate placement within 24 hours of referral to 98.67 percent of the UC referred by DHS. This performance measure is calculated by taking the number of UC who were designated for placement within 24 hours of referral divided by the total number of referrals per fiscal year. In FY 2017, due to a lower number of referrals and a surplus in bed capacity, bed capacity was reduced by approximately 30 percent. FY 2018 referrals were 20 percent higher than FY 2017 with a further 42 percent increase in FY 2019. Changes to the overall bed capacity were insufficient in FY 2018 to accommodate the increase in referrals and ACF was not able to meet the target of 99 percent (actual result of 69.3 percent), and again in FY 2019 (actual result of 64.9 percent did not meet the target of 99 percent).
In order to meet the number of referral of UC and to ensure the best placement based on the medical and/or mental health needs and safety of the children, ACF has since brought on additional bed capacity. The program’s ability to avoid a buildup of children waiting in border patrol stations for placement in shelters is accommodated through the expansion of existing programs through the supplemental grant award process. In FY 2020, performance improved to 99.27 percent, meeting the performance target. In order to meet future targets, ACF will continue efforts to streamline operations and make changes to existing policies and procedures to decrease length of stay. The program also continues to experience a higher volume of referrals and is engaged in increasing the overall program capacity needs.
FY 2016 | FY 2017 | FY 2018 | FY 2019 | FY 2020 | FY 2021 | FY 2022 | FY 2023 | |
Target | N/A | N/A | 41.6% | 41.6% | 41.5% | 37.5% | 36.3% | TBD |
Result | N/A | N/A | 38.1% | 36.3% | 30.2% | 27.2% | Jan 31, 2023 | Jan 31, 2024 |
Status | Not Collected | Not Collected | Target Not Met | Target Not Met | Target Not Met | Target Not Met | Pending | Pending |
Domestic and intimate partner violence has a disproportionate impact on AI/AN communities. AI/AN women experience intimate partner violence at higher rates than any other single race or ethnicity in the United States. However, intimate partner violence is a preventable public health problem and screening for Intimate Partner (Domestic) Violence provides the ability to identify victims and those at risk for injury. The Intimate Partner (Domestic) Violence screening measure supports improved processes for identification, referral, and treatment for female victims of domestic violence. Starting in FY 2018, IHS began reporting the Intimate Partner (Domestic) Violence screening measure for females (age 14-46) using the IHS Integrated Data Collection System Data Mart (IDCS DM). FY 2021 represents the fourth year of IDCS DM reporting; IHS continues to monitor and adjust to reporting system changes and provide training for documentation in the electronic reporting system.
Although several IHS Areas met or exceeded the FY 2021 target, IHS did not meet the national target of 37.5 percent. The IHS COVID-19 pandemic response and the transition from in person primary care to virtual care at several sites, may have impacted screening women for DV/IPV. To avoid potential coronavirus exposure risk, there have been fewer in-person visits and many health care services for prevention and health maintenance were postponed by patients during the pandemic. While patients with acute illness or the need for emergency care were still seen at IHS facilities, the COVID-19 pandemic response limited healthcare provider – patient interactions and reduced opportunities to screen the general population. Due to the sensitivity of the DV/IPV screening, proper administration requires the health care provider to ensure the patient is comfortable responding without external influence. Therefore, increased telehealth visits that occur within a patient’s home would not necessarily meet the safety and security recommendations to be applied during the DV/IPV assessment.
Due to COVID-19 response efforts, opportunities for facilities to participate and complete trainings were limited. As HHS resumes in-person office visits, IHS anticipates an increase in screening rates for intimate partner violence. Successful strategies as a pathway to success will focus on enhanced communication to staff, frequent data review; staff trainings that target the use of specific screening tools; and inclusion of this important measure in facility quality improvement projects. In FY 2021, IHS continued to provide technical assistance and training to IHS health care providers and encourage dissemination of these evidence-based strategies across all facilities and a particular focus on tribal community-based projects supported by the Domestic Violence Prevention Initiative. IHS provides outreach and assistance to tribal sites upon request with a virtual training made available in FY 2020 regarding a specific Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) lethality risk screening tool. In addition, in FY 2021 IHS released four webinars focused on improving the healthcare infrastructure to support victims of violence. IHS will continue to build upon these efforts during FY 2022 and FY 2023.
FY 2016 | FY 2017 | FY 2018 | FY 2019 | FY 2020 | FY 2021 | FY 2022 | FY 2023 | |
Target | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 15 | 20 | 30 |
Result | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 11 | 15 | Dec 31, 2022 | Dec 31, 2023 |
Status | Not Collected | Not Collected | Not Collected | Not Collected | Baseline | Target Met | Pending | Pending |
Strategies drawn from the Preventing ACEs Best Available Evidence resource are being implemented by each of the funded Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences: Data to Action (PACE: D2A) recipients. This indicator tracks trends associated with implementing evidence-based strategies to prevent and respond to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and addresses the effectiveness of CDC’s actions to translate science into action. CDC’s mission with respect to ACEs is to prevent, identify, and respond to them using evidence-based strategies, and this indicator is the most direct measure of CDC success in that regard. The PACE: D2A initiative helps ensure states and intrastate partners have access to the best available evidence for ACEs prevention and response. In FY 2020 11 prevention and response strategies were being implemented by funded recipients. Future targets were set based on an assessment of what realistic growth may look like.
FY 2016 | FY 2017 | FY 2018 | FY 2019 | FY 2020 | FY 2021 | FY 2022 | FY 2023 | |
Target | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 2 | 5 |
Result | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 0 | Dec 31, 2022 | Dec 31, 2023 |
Status | Not Collected | Not Collected | Not Collected | Not Collected | Not Collected | Baseline | Pending | Pending |
CDC is leading efforts to prevent violence before it begins and reaching out to audiences with new prevention strategies. CDC adapts and disseminates actionable resources based on rigorous science to equip every available partner with the tools they need to build trauma-informed systems and infrastructure. Equipping partners with the tools and resources they need to move from principle to practice of trauma-informed care in school, healthcare, housing, justice-serving, and other behavioral and mental health service spaces will help amplify CDC’s impact and equip its partners to do the same. This measure ensures CDC continues to push to generate and disseminate resources on trauma-informed care for clinical settings (and other partners), to ensure that its systems responses to people who have experienced trauma is not harmful.
Future targets were set based on the products and deliverables expected in relation to CDC’s adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and trauma informed care work that is underway.