Fiscal Year 2024
Released March, 2023
Topics on this page: Cross-Agency Priority Goals | Strategic Goals Overview | Agency Priority Goals
Cross-Agency Priority Goals
Per the GPRA Modernization Act’s requirement to address Cross-Agency Priority Goals in the agency strategic plan, the annual performance plan, and the annual performance report, please refer to for the agency’s contributions to those goals and progress, where applicable. The Department of Health and Human Services currently contributes to the following CAP Goals: Managing the Business of Government (co-lead); Strengthening and Empowering the Federal Workforce; and Delivering Excellent, Equitable, and Secure Federal Services and Customer Experience.
Strategic Goals Overview
The strategic goals and strategic objectives HHS Strategic Plan FY 2022-2026 are included in this document and posted here:
The five strategic goals are:
Goal 1: Protect and Strengthen Equitable Access to High Quality and Affordable Healthcare.
Goal 2: Safeguard and Improve National and Global Health Conditions and Outcomes.
Goal 3: Strengthen Social Well-being, Equity and Economic Resilience.
Goal 4: Restore Trust and Accelerate Advancements in Science and Research for All.
Goal 5: Advance Strategic Management to Build Trust, Transparency, and Accountability.
Agency Priority Goals
The FY 2022-2023 Agency Priority goals are:
- Behavioral Health: Increase equitable access to and utilization of prevention, treatment, and recovery services to improve health outcomes for those affected by behavioral health conditions.
- By September 30, 2023, increase by 15% over a baseline of 1,015,386 the number of unique patients dispensed prescriptions for buprenorphine from retail pharmacies in the U.S. and 15% over a baseline of 324,126 the number of prescriptions dispensed for naloxone in U.S. outpatient retail and mail-order pharmacies.
- By September 30, 2023, increase by 20% the number of individuals referred for behavioral health services by SAMHSA grantees engaged in screening and assessment.
- Child Well-Being: By September 30, 2023, HHS will improve child well-being, especially in underserved or marginalized populations and communities.
- Emergency Preparedness: While promoting equitable access, strengthen the systems for domestic and global health, human services, and public health to protect the nation’s well-being before, during, and after disasters and public health emergencies. By September 30, 2023, HHS will complete 4 projects, establish a new ASPR office, and increase by at least 10% key deliverables to increase resources that develop and improve the national capacity of public health, human services, and global health disaster management entities to respond equitably to emerging threats and emergency incidents above FY 2020.
- Equity: Advance progress towards equity in health and human services by optimizing opportunities and access for underserved and marginalized populations and addressing drivers of inequities throughout the life course in order to remove barriers, reduce disparities, and improve outcomes. By September 30, 2023, initiate at least 10 equity assessments on HHS policies and activities and identify potential actions for improvement.
- Maternal Health: Improve maternal health and advance health equity across the life course by assuring the equitable provision of evidence-based high-quality care and addressing racism, discrimination, and other biases. By September 30, 2023, HHS will:
- increase by 10% the number of hospitals participating in Perinatal Quality Collaboratives engaged in data-informed quality improvement efforts to address the drivers of maternal mortality and achieve equity;
- increase by 10% the number of birthing facilities that are participating in the Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health; and
- increase by 20% the number of pregnant and postpartum women, their support networks, and providers reached by HHS messages about urgent maternal warning signs.
For current progress updates, please go to