A tool on Medicare.gov gives ratings and other quality data about hospitals.
You can use the tool to compare hospitals by:
- City, state or ZIP code
- Hospital name
After selecting the hospital or hospitals of interest, choose the information about one or more hospitals that you would like to see.
Learn more about how the tool works
It is important to remember, the information posted on the website should be used to:
- Talk with your doctor and other health care providers you trust about the quality of care at hospitals. Some hospitals have more experience treating certain conditions or performing certain surgeries. Ask your doctor or healthcare provider which hospital has the best care and results for your condition. Ask why they prefer to use that hospital.
- Learn about other patients' experiences with hospitals. Some hospitals survey their patients about hospital satisfaction. Try to get as much information as you can about what other patients think of the care at the hospital. It is also good to ask family or friends about their experiences.