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Additional Information and Corrections to Previous Transmittals Regarding Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Codes and Modifiers for Low Osmolar Contrast Material, Orthotics, and Durable Medical Equipment

This One-Time Notification provides clarifying information
regarding HCPCS coding for certain items. This includes the correction of an incorrectly typed
code in the policy section of Change Request 3053, Pub. 100-20, Transmittal 45, dated January
23, 2004, the correction of misspelled descriptors for codes L0640 and L0641 that appeared in
Change Request 3014, Pub. 100-04, Transmittal 58, dated January 2, 2004, and notification of
the descriptor for modifier KF that contractors are required to add to their claims processing
systems in accordance with Change Request 3020, Pub. 100-20, Transmittal 35, dated December
24, 2003.

Download the Guidance Document

Issued by: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Issue Date: March 26, 2004

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