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Statement of Enforcement Discretion for Referral Certification and Authorization Transaction Standard at 45 CFR § 162.1302 for HIPAA Covered Entities Subject to the CMS Interoperability and Prior Authorization Final Rule (CMS-0057-F) that Implement an All-FHIR-Based Prior Authorization API

This document announces enforcement discretion for HIPAA covered entities implementing FHIR-based Prior Authorization APIs, aiming to streamline the prior authorization process. It is intended for healthcare professionals, policymakers, and stakeholders involved in compliance with HIPAA regulations and administrative simplification initiatives.

Issued by: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Issue Date: February 29, 2024

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“Go-to-Guidance” is the short name for HIPAA Administrative Simplification Guidance Letters. These Guidance Letters include important guidance about NSG’s interpretation of the HIPAA Administrative Simplification laws and regulations, and current thinking on how to apply these. Guidance Letters do not include any new mandates, requirements or prohibitions, and are not legally binding upon covered entities. Although Guidance Letters themselves are not legally binding, they may refer to statute and regulation which is legally binding. Guidance Letters do not supersede policy found in statute or regulation. Though not legally binding, Guidance Letters may be taken into consideration by Administrative Law Judges and other adjudicators.

Guidance Letter


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