CMS Statistics Reference Booklet: 2004 Edition
Guidance for all stakeholders regarding 2004 edition of CMS Statistics Reference Booklet.
Issued by: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Issue Date: February 11, 2020
Clicking the links below will directly open the table in PDF in a new window.
Table Listings:
Table 1 - Medicare enrollment/trends
Table 2 - Medicare enrollment/coverage
Table 3 - Medicare enrollment/demographics
Table 4 - Medicare enrollment/end stage renal disease trends
Table 5 - Medicare enrollment/end stage renal disease demographics
Table 6 - Medicare managed care
Table 7 - Medicare enrollment/CMS region
Table 8 - Aged population/projected
Table 9 - Period life expectancy at age 65/trends
Table 10 - Life expectancy at birth and at age 65 by race/trends
Table 11 - Medicaid and SCHIP enrollment
Table 12 - Medicaid eligibles/demographics
Table 13 - Medicaid eligibles/CMS region
Table 14 - Medicaid beneficiaries/State buy-ins for Medicare
Table 15 - Inpatient hospitals/trends
Table 16 - Medicare assigned claims/CMS region
Table 17 - Medicare hospital and unit status
Table 18 - Long-term facilities/CMS region
Table 19 - Other Medicare providers and suppliers/trends
Table 20 - Selected facilities/type of control
Table 21 - Periodic interim payment (PIP) facilities/trends
Table 22 - Part B practitioners active in patient care/selected years
Table 23 - Part B practitioners/CMS region
Table 24 - Inpatient hospitals/CMS region
Table 25 - CMS and total Federal outlays
Table 26 - Program expenditures/trends
Table 27 - Benefit outlays by program
Table 28 - Program benefit payments/CMS region
Table 29 - Medicare benefit outlays
Table 30 - Medicare/type of benefit
Table 31 - National health care/trends
Table 32 - Medicaid/type of service
Table 33 - Medicare savings attributable to secondary payor provisions/type of provision
Table 34 - Medicaid/payments by eligibility status
Table 35 - Medicare/DME/POS
Table 36 - National health care/type of expenditure
Table 37 - Personal health care/payment source
Table 38 - Medicare/short-stay hospital utilization
Table 39 - Medicare long-term care/trends
Table 40 - Medicare average length of stay/trends
Table 41 - Medicare persons served/trends
Table 42 - Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) persons served
Table 43 - Medicare persons served/CMS region
Table 44 - Medicare/end stage renal disease (ESRD)
Table 45 - Medicaid/type of service
Table 46 - Medicaid/units of service
Table 47 - Medicare administrative expenses/trends
Table 48 - Medicare contractors
Table 49 - Medicare appeals
Table 50 - Medicare physician/supplier claims assignment rates
Table 51 - Medicare claims processing
Table 52 - Medicare claims received
Table 53 - Medicare charge reductions
Table 54 - Medicaid administration
Reference tables:
Program financing
Medicare deductible and coinsurance amounts
Geographical jurisdictions of CMS regional offices and Medicaid Federal medical assistance percentages (FMAP) fiscal year 2004
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