Correction to Manual References in Chapter 5, Section 20.2
This instruction corrects a cross reference mentioned twice in Pub. 100-04, Chapter 5, Section 20.2, Item C. The first reference states, “Pub. 100-02, Chapter 15, Section 230.3B, Treatment Notes, indicates that the amount of time for each specific intervention/modality provided to the patient is not required to be documented in the Treatment Note.” The second reference states, “For documentation in the medical record of the services provided see Pub. 100-02, Chapter 15, Section 230.3, Documentation, Treatment Notes.” Both cross references are incorrect as stated and should refer to Pub. 100- 02, Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 15, Section 220.3 versus Chapter 15, Section 230.3.
Issued by: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Issue Date: February 18, 2011
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