Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Process
Guidance for CAP, the final phase of each PERM measurement. The links below offer guidance to the States on the essential steps in developing the CAP.
Issued by: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Issue Date: May 02, 2016
Welcome to the CAP page, the final phase of each PERM measurement. A CAP is a narrative of steps taken to identify the most cost effective actions that can be implemented to correct errors causes. Following each measurement cycle, States included in the measurement are required to develop and submit a separate Medicaid and CHIP CAP designed to reduce improper payments in each program. CAPs are due 90 calendar days after States receive their error rate notifications. The links below offer guidance to the States on the essential steps in developing the CAP.
For any questions related to PERM CAPs please contact
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