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GHP Training Materials

Guidance for a curriculum of computer-based training (CBT) courses related to Section 111 Group Health Plan (GHP) Mandatory Insurer Reporting has been developed for GHP responsible reporting entities (RREs).

Issued by: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Issue Date: October 08, 2019

A curriculum of computer-based training (CBT) courses related to Section 111 Group Health Plan (GHP) Mandatory Insurer Reporting has been developed for GHP responsible reporting entities (RREs). These courses provide in-depth training on reporting requirements documented in the GHP User Guide and also include courses on registration and use of the Section 111 Coordination of Benefits Secure Website (COBSW). The CBTs do not require registration.

Please see the Group Health Plan Curriculum for a complete listing of the courses including descriptions and course lengths. You can access the curriculum document and the CBTs from the Dynamic List on this page. If you have any questions or feedback on this material, please click the Training Feedback link found in the Related Links section below.

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