PC Pricer: Guidelines for Downloading and Executing PPS PC Pricers
Guidance for downloading and executing PPS PC pricers.
Issued by: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Issue Date: September 20, 2019
The Pricer software is being made available in a self-extracting executable format that is programmed to setup only on your PC's hard drive (i.e., C: drive). The self-extracting executable files have been zipped.
- Click on the desired PC Pricer from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
- Select the fiscal year (FY) of the PC Pricer that you would like to download.
- Complete the required one time installation of Fujitsu NetCOBOL run time files, by running the "setup.exe" file located inside of the Fujitsu NetCOBOL folder.
- Proceed by selecting and double-clicking the zipped application directory (folder) for download.
- When unzipping the application directory (folder), you may change the drive (i.e., C:) on which you want the application saved. However, do not change the application directory's name or place it within another directory, else the application will not function properly.
- To run the application, open the application directory that was extracted and saved to your PC and double-click on the executable (.exe) file in that folder.
Step by Step instructions are available for Downloading and Executing PPS PC Pricers' in the Downloads section below. Questions should be sent to PCpricers@cms.hhs.gov.
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