July 2008 Integrated Outpatient Code Editor (I/OCE) Specifications Version 9.2
This instruction informs the Fiscal Intermediaries (FIs), A/B MACs, and the Fiscal Intermediary Standard System (FISS) that the I/OCE was updated for July 1, 2008. The I/OCE routes all institutional outpatient claims (which includes non-OPPS hospital claims) through a single integrated OCE which eliminates the need to update, install, and maintain two separate OCE software packages on a quarterly basis. Claims with dates of service prior to July 1, 2007, should be routed through the non-integrated versions of the OCE software (OPPS and non-OPPS OCEs) that coincide with the versions in effect for the date of service on the claim. The integration did not change the logic that is applied to outpatient bill types that previously passed through the OPPS OCE software. It merely expanded the software usage to include non-OPPS hospitals. This Recurring Update Notification refers to Chapter 4, §40.1
Issued by: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Issue Date: July 18, 2008
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