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LTSS for Native Veterans

Guidance for the care needs of Native Veterans and program planning considerations for improving access to care for Veterans.

Issued by: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Issue Date: July 19, 2017

Long-term care needs among Native Veterans are high, and tribal LTSS programs can help connect Veterans with care. The resources below describe the care needs of Native Veterans and offer program planning considerations for improving access to care for Veterans.

Overview of LTSS for Native Veterans

A high level of disabilities among Veterans means their long-term care needs are often complex. Veterans in Indian Country may face barriers to accessing care, such as geographic isolation.

Learn more about LTSS for AI/AN Veterans:

Long-term care needs for Native Veterans

While Native Veterans tend to be younger than Veterans of other races, they are more likely to have a disability. Native Veterans are also more likely to have post-traumatic stress disorder, which can lead to other health problems as they age. Cultural considerations are an important part of providing care that addresses these challenges.

Through collaboration with Veterans, IHS, and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, tribal LTSS programs can help connect tribal Veterans with the support and care they need.



With these resources, see how other tribal programs address Veteran services, learn how to collaborate with VA, and explore resources from VA.

Program Profiles

These fact sheets describe programs that serve Native Veterans and include information on successes, innovations, funding, and lessons learned.

Collaborate with VA

View these webinar recordings to learn more about long-term care needs and opportunities for Veterans in Indian Country.

Connect with VA’s departments that work with tribal governments and rural clinics:

Resources from VA

These resources can help inform tribes seeking to improve access to LTSS for Native Veterans.

Determine Who is Eligible

  • VA Health Benefits Explorer
    Determine eligibility to enroll in VA benefits using the Health Benefits Explorer, or get help over the phone by calling 877-222-VETS (8387)

Enroll Veterans in VA Health Benefits

Get help if a Veteran is in crisis

Find long-term care information from VA

Learn about tribal priorities for Veterans' care

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