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LTSS Research

Guidance for reports, fact sheets, web links, and other resources that focus on research related to LTSS needs and successes in Indian Country.

Issued by: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Issue Date: February 11, 2020

A woman at Zuni Adult Day Care, part of the network of elder services available at Pueblo of Zuni, participates in one of the program's daily activities.

This page includes reports, fact sheets, web links, and other resources that focus on research related to LTSS needs and successes in Indian Country.

An Introduction to LTSS

Older American Indians and Alaska Natives are a rapidly growing population group.

  • According to the Administration on Aging, the number of AI/AN people 65 and older is projected to increase by nearly 75% between 2010 and 2020.
  • While tribes may understand elderhood as beginning at a different age, this website defines "older adults" as age 65 and older, because Medicare eligibility begins at age 65 and because many national statistics (like the Census) use age 65 as a cutoff.

Overall, AI/AN populations experience some of the highest rates of chronic disease and disability in the U.S1. Due to the increase in the AI/AN older population and the high level of disability within this population and among younger people, tribal communities are experiencing an increased need for long-term services and supports for their elders and tribal members with disabilities.

1Goins, R. T., Bogart, A., & Roubideaux, Y. (2010). Service Provider Perceptions of Long-Term Care Access in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 21(4), 1340-1351.

Caregiver Support

LTSS Research: Annotated Literature Review, Caregiver Support in Indian Country (PDF) (PDF, 40 pages) – an annotated literature review that discusses the challenges of caregiver support in American Indian and Alaska Native communities, available support for caregivers, and recommendations to overcome barriers. The document includes a glossary of terms, a 4-page executive summary and 29 research sources.

Program Profiles

Fact sheets describe each program and present findings on successes and innovations, funding, lessons learned, and how each program addresses culture in providing caregiver support services.

Elder Abuse Prevention

Program Profiles

These fact sheets offer program descriptions and present each program's strategies for success, funding, lessons learned, and ways of attending to cultural considerations.

Emerging LTSS Issues in Indian Country

Emerging LTSS Issues in Indian Country: Executive Summary (PDF) (PDF, 3p) – a summary document that highlights three LTSS topic and their related issues within Indian Country—LTSS funding for HCBS, Adult Family Homes, and Alzheimer’s and Dementia.


Hospice and Palliative Care

Program Profiles

These fact sheets describe each program and present their successes, innovations, funding, lessons learned, and approaches to incorporation of culture in end-of-life care.

LTSS for Native Veterans

  • LTSS Research: LTSS for Native Veterans (PDF) (PDF, 38 pages)
  • A literature review that provides an overview of the LTSS need for Native veterans, barriers to care, efforts by the Indian Health Service and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and recommendations to improve care. The document includes 25 summaries of research sources.

Program Profiles

These fact sheets describe programs that offer services to Native Veterans and include success, innovations, funding, and lessons learned

Nursing Homes

LTSS Videos and Program Examples

Program profiles provide real-life examples of how tribes are successfully implementing LTSS in their communities. Explore the program examples section to learn about the diverse tribal programs currently in operation.

Additional program profiles are also presented as brief videos. The videos page shares insights from the people who have planned and implemented these current tribal and urban LTSS programs.

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