LTSS Roadmap - Step 6: Implementation
Guidance for the LTSS roadmap planning model specific to step 6: program implementation.
Issued by: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Issue Date: August 03, 2016
Service Development
Many national resources are available to help tribes develop LTSS services. Some national programs have tribal initiatives that will be seeking tribes to work with. The organizations below can assist with service development.
- N4A: National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- AoA: Administration on Aging
- Leading Age
- NADSA: National Adult Day Services Association
- See other national resources on LTSS
Accreditation for Medicare and Medicaid
There are many kinds of certification that facilities and programs can apply for. Certification for Medicaid and Medicare through CMS is very important.This information can provide a starting point for learning about other types of certification and accreditation
- Learn about Medicare and Medicaid certification at - check the list on the left side for info for different services and facility types
Accreditation can be a very time consuming process, requiring planning, commitment, and focus. Be sure to factor time for accreditation into your workplan.
Create a Workplan
To help plan the many steps that are required to create an LTSS program, it is helpful to develop a work plan that shows the activities you need to accomplish and when they should take place. The chart below shows a simplified example work plan for implementing a HCBS Program.

Example: Simplified Work Plan
Execute strategies
- Leverage existing resources
- Streamline new or expanded LTSS services with existing tribal health services
- Collaborate with other Tribes that have developed and implemented similar programs and services
- Create or improve elder safety code
- Establish elder taskforce
- Maintain communications with key stakeholders
- Recruit and use LTSS champions
- Establish and leverage partnerships
- Contract with other tribal and nontribal providers
After the implementation of an LTSS program has begun, it is important to evaluate how the program is performing, how it is meeting its goals, and how it is benefitting elders in your Tribe and community.
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