Nursing and Allied Health Medicare Advantage Payment - Revision to CY 2018
Change Request 11642 (Transmittal 10315, originally issued August 21, 2020 as updated most recently by Transmittal 10520, issued December 14, 2020) provided instructions to Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) for computing calendar year (CY) 2002 through 2018 nursing and allied health education Medicare Advantage (N&AH MA) payments to qualifying hospitals, along with the applicable CY percent reduction to be made to a teaching hospital’s direct graduate medical education (GME) MA payment. Change Request 11642 included Attachment A, which contained the applicable N&AH factors and direct GME MA percent reductions for CYs 2002 through 2018. The purpose of this Change Request is to correct the CY 2018 percent reduction to direct GME MA payments.
Issued by: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Issue Date: February 04, 2022
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