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Outpatient Charge Data CY 2017

Guidance for the CY 2017 Outpatient Hospital Utilization and Payment Public Use File (Outpatient Hospital PUF) which includes information on comprehensive APC (C-APC) services provided to Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries.

Issued by: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Issue Date: February 11, 2020

The Outpatient Hospital Utilization and Payment Public Use File (Outpatient Hospital PUF) presents information on comprehensive APC (C-APC) services provided to Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries. The Outpatient Hospital PUF presents information on the number of beneficiaries, number of APC services, hospitals' average total estimated submitted charges, the average Medicare allowed charges (which includes Medicare regular provider payments and beneficiary cost-sharing payments), the average Medicare regular provider payments, the number of APC services with outlier payments, and the average Medicare outlier provider payments among those services for 60 C-APC Groups paid under the Medicare Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) for calendar year (CY) 2017.  The estimated average charges and the average Medicare payments are provided at the individual hospital level. The actual charges at an individual hospital for an individual service within these APC groups may differ.

08/28/2019 UPDATE:

The Outpatient Hospital PUF and supplemental summary tables have been updated to include the number of Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries receiving outpatient hospital services. These changes are reflected in data years 2015 through 2017, Data are available in two formats:

  • An online interactive dataset (allows users to sort and filter data directly without downloading).
  • Microsoft Excel download (.xlsx)

Detailed Provider Data:

Interactive Dataset: Provider Outpatient Hospital Charge Data by APC, CY2017, Interactive Dataset

Downloadable Excel: Provider Outpatient Hospital Charge Data by APC, CY2017, Microsoft Excel version (ZIP)

APC Summary Tables:

Interactive Dataset: National Summary of Outpatient Charge Data by APC, CY2017, Interactive Dataset
Interactive Dataset: State Summary of Outpatient Charge Data by APC, CY2017, Interactive Dataset

Downloadable Excel: National and State Summaries of Outpatient Charge Data by APC, CY2017, Microsoft Excel version (ZIP)

APC and HCPCS Summary Tables:

Interactive Dataset: National Summary of Outpatient Hospital Charge Data by APC and primary HCPCS, CY2017
Interactive Dataset: State Summary of Outpatient Hospital Charge Data by APC and primary HCPCS, CY2017

Downloadable Excel: National and State Summaries of Outpatient Hospital Charge Data by APC and primary HCPCS, CY2017, Microsoft Excel version (ZIP)


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