Rural Health Partners
Guidance for Partner Relations Group (PRG) aims to leverage and cultivate partnerships to achieve the goals of the CMS Rural Health Strategy through healthcare outreach efforts with national and local organizations in rural communities
Issued by: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Issue Date: September 23, 2020
Rural Health Partners
Approximately 60 million people live in rural areas across the United States – including millions of Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries. CMS recognizes the many obstacles that rural Americans face when accessing healthcare services, including a fragmented healthcare delivery system, stretched and diminishing rural health workforce, unaffordability of insurance, and lack of access to specialty services and providers. CMS is organizing and focusing its efforts to apply a rural lens to the vision and work of the agency through efforts such as the development of the Rural Health Council and the CMS Rural Health Strategy. (PDF)
The Partner Relations Group (PRG) aims to leverage and cultivate partnerships to achieve the goals of the CMS Rural Health Strategy through healthcare outreach efforts with national and local organizations in rural communities.
Click here to view the CMS Rural Health Webpage.
- Community Health Access and Rural Transformation (CHART) Model
- Final Policy, Payment, and Quality Provisions Changes to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Calendar Year 2019 (11/1 Factsheet)
- Rural Health Open Door Forum (11/15)
- E-Medicare (YouTube Video)
- Physician Fee Schedule
- Medicare Telehealth Services
Related Links:
- Rural Health Open Door Forum Mailing List Sign-Up
- CMS Regional Office Rural Health Coordinators - Updated May 2020 (PDF)
- The Medicare Learning Network® (MLN) Homepage
- Rural Health Clinics Center
- Swing Bed Providers
We look forward to partnering with you on rural health issues! Please direct any questions to the Partner Relations mailbox:
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