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Special Open Door Forums

Guidance for Special Open Door Forum (ODF)

Issued by: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Issue Date: June 08, 2020

When a Special Open Door Forum (ODF) is scheduled, please refer to the "Downloads" section below for the Special ODF details and RSVP information. Approximately one week after the Special ODF has passed, the announcement, transcript and MP3 audio file will be posted under the "Downloads" section in one Download link for 30 days.

CMS has Special Forums throughout the year, to independently discuss new and important program topics. 


**Updated March 23, 2022- Special Open Door Forum: Open Payments: Understanding Your Role as a Covered Recipient is scheduled for Wednesday March 30, 2022 from 1:00pm – 2:30pm ET. The Centers for Program Integrity (CPI) Open Payments team will host a Special Open-Door Forum to provide an overview of the Open Payments program for covered recipients and how they can participate in the program. Covered recipients include: Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Clinical Nurse-Specialists, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists and Anesthesiologist Assistants, Certified Nurse-Midwives, and Teaching Hospitals. During this Special Open-Door Form covered recipients will learn details about the program timeline, registration process, and how they can participate in review and dispute activities. The link to the presentation for this call is available on the Open Payments Events Page at: . More information about the program is available at: look forward to your participation. If you wish to participate, dial: 1-(888)-455-1397, Participant Passcode: 4781727. Please see the full participation announcement in the Downloads section below. Thank you for your continued interest in the CMS Open Door Forums. 

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