The list below displays the agencies and departments that have signed onto the Common Rule and their CFR numbers. The list also includes contact information, their status, and links to relevant webpages/resources.
Disclaimer: This Compilation has been developed for informational purposes only. Individuals using this compilation should always check with the Common Rule departments or agencies for latest updates, accuracy, and completeness of the information.
Whom to Contact:
Virginia Lamprecht, BSN, MSPH, MA
USAID Cognizant Human Subjects Officer (CHSO), Bureau for Global Health, Office of Policy, Programs and Planning (GH/PPP), USAID
Work cell: 571-216-9580
CFR Citation (2018): 22 CFR Part 225
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 42 U.S.C. 300v-1(b), unless otherwise noted.
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Status under 2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Applies Subparts? No Subparts in CFR.
Whom to Contact:
William C. Trenkle, Ph.D.
CFR Citation (2018): 7 CFR Part 1c
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 42 U.S.C. 300v-1(b).
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Status under 2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Applies Subparts? No Subparts in CFR.
Whom to Contact:
Jody Klein-Saffran
Relevant Website: to an external website
CFR Citation (2018): 28 CFR Part 46
Authority: Department of Justice
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Status under 2018 Requirements: Intends to become an official signatory.
Applies Subparts? No Subparts in CFR.
Whom to Contact?
Russell Goldstein
CFR Citation (2018): None
Authority: EO 12333 (1981), amended by EO 13284 (2003), EO 13355 (2004), and EO 13470 (2008).
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: Follows Common Rule because of EO 12333, as amended.
Status under 2018 Requirements: Follows Common Rule because of EO 12333, as amended.
Applies Subparts? Complies with all Subparts per EO 12333, as amended.
Whom to Contact:
Mary Hyde, Director
Office of Research and Evaluation
Relevant Website: [None currently]
CFR Citation: 45 CFR 2584
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 12651c(c)
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: Not a Common Rule Signatory
Status under 2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Applies Subparts [B through E]? No Subparts in CFR.
Whom to Contact:
Relevant Website: to an external website
CFR Citation (2018): 15 CFR Part 27
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 42 U.S.C. 300v-1(b).
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Status under 2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Applies Subparts? No Subparts in CFR.
Whom to Contact:
Mary Kelleher
CFR Citation (2018): 16 CFR Part 1028
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 42 U.S.C. 300v-1(b)
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Status under 2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Applies Subparts? No Subparts in CFR.
Whom to Contact:
DoD Office for Human Research Protections
Relevant Website: to an external website
CFR Citation (2018): 32 CFR Part 219
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301.
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Status under 2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Applies Subparts? Applies Subparts B, C, D, and E of 45 CFR 46, with caveats for Subparts B, C, and D. See page 19 of DoD Instruction
3216.02: to an external website
Additional Information: For additional information see DoD Instruction
3216.02: to an external website
Whom to Contact:
Jeffery Rodamar
Relevant Website: to an external website
CFR Citation (2018): 34 CFR Part 97
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 20 U.S.C. 1221e-3, 3474.
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Status under 2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Applies Subparts? Has adopted Subpart D only.
Whom to Contact:
Libby White
Cheri Hautala-Bateman
Relevant Website: to an external website
CFR Citation (2018): 10 CFR Part 745
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 42 U.S.C. 7254; 42 U.S.C. 300v-1(b).
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Status under 2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Applies Subparts? No Subparts in CFR, but Subparts B, C, and D are applied if applicable to the research.
Additional Information: DOE-Specific Requirements: to an external website
IRB Membership and Quorum: to an external website
Whom to Contact:
Relevant Website: to an external website
CFR Citation (2018): 40 CFR Part 26
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 7 U.S.C. 136a(a) and 136w(a)(1); 21 U.S.C. 346a(e)(1)(C); sec. 201, Pub. L. 109-54, 119 Stat. 531; and 42 U.S.C. 300v-1(b).
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Status under 2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Applies Subparts? EPA has three Subparts for the protection of children, pregnant women, and nursing women in research (Subparts B-D). Subparts K-Q are special regulations related to the review of pesticide research involving human participants.
Additional Information:
Pregnant and Nursing Individuals and Children: The EPA prohibits research involving the intentional exposure of pregnant participants, nursing participants, or children to any substance (40 CFR 26 Subpart B).
Protection for Subjects in Human Research with Pesticides: to an external website
EPA Order 1000.17 on Policy and Procedures of Protection of Human Research Subjects in EPA Conducted or Supported Research: to an external website
Whom to Contact:
SL Thomas Gregory Motta, Esq.
Relevant Website: to an external website
CFR Citation (2018): 28 CFR Part 46; CPD 0737D
Authority: Department of Justicelinks to an external website
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Status under 2018 Requirements: Collaborating with NIJ to assist DOJ to become 2018 signatory.
Applies Subparts? No Subparts in CFR.
Whom to Contact:
General Inquiries
Relevant Website:
CFR Citation (2018): 45 CFR Part 46
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 42 U.S.C. 289(a); 42 U.S.C. 300v-1(b)links to an external website
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Status under 2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Applies Subparts? Applies all Subparts.
Whom to Contact:
Jamie Rotimi
Vanessa Hernandez
CFR Citation (2018): 6 CFR Part 46
Authority: P.L. 108-458, sec. 8306.
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: Follows Common Rule and all Subparts per statute (Pub. L. 108-458, title VIII, section 8306)
Status under 2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Applies Subparts? Follows all Subparts per statute and Departmental policy.
Additional Information:
DHS Management Directive 026-04: to an external website
Whom to Contact:
Leah Lozier
Warren Friedman
Barry Steffen
CFR Citation (2018): 24 CFR Part 60
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 42 U.S.C. 300v-1(b) and 3535(d).
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Status under 2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Applies Subparts? No Subparts in CFR.
Whom to Contact:
Cheryl Crawford Watson
Human Subjects Protection Officer, National Institute of Justice; Chair, OJP IRB
Relevant Website: to an external website
CFR Citation (2018): 28 CFR Part 46
Authority: Department of Justicelinks to an external website
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Status under 2018 Requirements: Intends to become an official signatory.
Applies Subparts? No Subparts in CFR.
Whom to Contact:
Lauren Damme
Director of Research Protection & Enforcement Programs Chief Evaluation Office, U.S. Department of Labor
200 Constitution Ave. NW, Room S-2312, Washington, DC 20210 +1.202.693.5073
CFR Citation (2018): 29 CFR Part 21
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 29 U.S.C. 551.
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: Not a Common Rule Signatory
Status under 2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Applies Subparts? TBD
Additional Information: TBD
Whom to Contact:
Marisa Covington, Ph.D.
NASA Director, Office of Research Assurances, Offices of the Chief Health and Medical Officer
Chair, NASA Institutional Review Board (IRB) Chair, International Space Station Human Research Multilateral Review Board (HRMRB)
Victor Schneider, MD
NASA Senior Medical Advisor & NASA Research Subject Protections Advisor and Ombudsperson
Office of the Chief Health & Medical Officer
Relevant Website: to an external website
CFR Citation (2018): 14 CFR Part 1230
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 42 U.S.C. 300v-1(b).
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Status under 2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Applies Subparts? No Subparts in CFR.
Whom to Contact:
Jeff Mantz
Relevant Website: to an external website
CFR Citation (2018): 45 CFR Part 690
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 42 U.S.C. 300v-1(b).
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Status under 2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Applies Subparts? No Subparts in CFR.
Whom to Contact:
Robert Newton
Deputy Chief Operating Officer, ODNI
Luke Whittemore
Associate General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, ODNI
CFR Citation (2018): None
Authority: EO 12333 (1981), amended by EO 13284 (2003), EO 13355 (2004), and EO 13470 (2008)
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: Follows Common Rule because of EO 12333, as amended.
Status under 2018 Requirements: Follows Common Rule because of EO 12333, as amended.
Applies Subparts? Complies with all Subparts per EO 12333, as amended.
Whom to Contact:
Leola Brooks
CFR Citation (2018): 20 CFR Part 431
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 42 U.S.C. 289(a).
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: SSA and HHS split in 1995. Pursuant to the transition rules provided in Section 106 of title 1 of Pub.L. 103-296, SSA has been required to apply the Common Rule to its research.
Status under 2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Applies Subparts? Apply all Subparts.
Whom to Contact:
Dr. Thomas Chidester
CFR Citation (2018): 49 CFR Part 11
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 42 U.S.C. 300v-1(b).
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Status under 2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Applies Subparts? No Subparts in CFR.
Whom to Contact:
Howard Stone
Office of Research and Development, Director, Central Policy and Regulatory
Don Workman
VA Central IRB Director and VA IRB Network Director
Kristina Borror
Office of Research Oversight Director of Human Research Protection
Relevant Website: Human Research ( to an external website, Human Research Protections - Office of Research Oversight ( to an external website
CFR Citation (2018): 38 CFR Part 16
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 38 U.S.C. 501, 7331, 7334; 42 U.S.C. 300v-1(b).
Status under Pre-2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory
Status under 2018 Requirements: Common Rule Signatory with codification of the 2018 Common Rule as 38 CFR part 16 located at eCFR :: 38 CFR Part 16 -- Protection of Human Subjectslinks to an external website.
Applies Subparts? VA did not adopt and codify Subparts B, C, and D in their entirety. VA applies portions of Subparts B, C, and D as described in VA’s implementing policy for VA human subjects research: VHA Directive 1200.05(3); Requirements for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research located at VHA Publications ( to an external website.
Additional Information: Broad consent can only be obtained for the use of information or biospecimens that are collected initially for research purposes.
VA has a required basic element of consent based upon VA regulations in 38 CFR Part 17.85links to an external website in which no VA subject will pay for a research-related injury. VA also has an additional element of consent stating that no VA subject (or his or her insurance) will be billed for any costs related to research procedures required for a VA approved study. A description of VA specific informed consent requirements is included in the table: VA Specific and Selected 2018 Common Rule Informed Consent Requirements When Using an Independent-Commercial IRBlinks to an external website.
VA has an intramural research program which is centered on Veterans’ health issues. Inclusion of non-Veterans in a VA research approval requires specific approval by the VA Facility institutional governance committee called a VA Research and Development Committee in addition to IRB approvals for subject recruitment for VA research.
Research that uses human fetal tissue or that focuses on either a fetus, or human fetal tissue, in-utero or ex-utero cannot be conducted by VA investigators while on official VA duty, at VA facilities, or at VA-approved off-site facilities. Use of stem cells is governed by the policy set by NIH for recipients of NIH research funding.
Research involving prisoners cannot be conducted by VA investigators while on official VA duty, at VA facilities, or at VA-approved off-site facilities unless a waiver has been granted by the Chief Research and Development Officer (CRADO) in addition to any IRB approvals.
VA promotes use of a single IRB whenever possible in alignment with the cooperative research provisions. VA uses a variety of different types of IRBs to review VA research, including VA and non-VA IRBs, including commercial IRBs. Approval by the VHA Office of Research and Approval (ORD) is required prior to a VA Facility entering in a new IRB reliance as described at to an external website.
VA has the ability to grant a single IRB exception for VA facilities participating in cooperative research activities when it is not appropriate for the specific study as also permitted by the 2018 Common Rule. Additional information about VA’s implementation of the cooperative research provisions is located at to an external website.
VA has worked with NIH to clarify that VA and Department of Defense (DoD) sites can participate in NIH-funded multisite studies if the VA or DoD makes a determination that the use of a single IRB for the VA or DoD site(s) is not appropriate. The FAQ, located at Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) |, clarifies that NIH will accept determinations by the VA or the DoD that the use of a single IRB is not appropriate for specified VA or DOD site(s) participating in NIH-funded multisite studies. A special exception request issued by NIH is not necessary.
VA has national policies for reporting of apparent serious and continuing noncompliance and unanticipated problems involving risks to subjects or others. These policies are described in VHA Directive 1058.01: Research Compliance Reporting Requirements located at VHA Publications ( to an external website.