The Department’s signature website is In addition, each OpDiv and StaffDiv maintains its own website, and the Department manages a number of topical dot-gov websites including eight priority websites, three of which are cross-federal agency sites. HHS Digital Strategy webpage is at The Department is currently engaged in a long-term project to reimagine Called Project-H, this multi-disciplinary effort is based on the following precepts, many of which follow the Federal Digital Strategy:
- Research-based redesign
- Customer-focused plain-language content
- Mobile-first design; any platform, any time
- Topically organized (replacing office/program-based organization)
- Institute Lifecycle Content Management
- Focus on HHS/Office of the Secretary information and services; leverage OPDIV’s information focus on their unique missions
- Search-based navigation, augmented by organic browse
- Institute consistent site and social branding
- Balance push and pull
- Increase customer engagement (expand from passive to proactive)
- Embrace WCAG 2.0 and insure accessibility for all
We have made significant progress on several foundational aspects of Project-H. HHS is identifying and engaging with key data customer groups like these to help expand the value of our health data assets and prioritize the release of new data. To assist that prioritization HHS intends to capitalize on the quantity and quality of user demand it receives through various feedback channels as well as focusing on the identification of strategically relevant data assets tied directly to HHS’s articulated strategic goals. To ensure the customer feedback loops are meaningful and robust HHS will regularly review feedback processes and refine them as opportunities and challenges present themselves.