Department of Health and Human Services
Civil Remedies Division
Suo Maw Chou, M.D.,
(PTAN: A300175754),
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Docket No. C-18-242
Decision No. CR5281
After a six-year period in which Petitioner did not maintain individual billing privileges, Petitioner filed an enrollment application on June 23, 2017, for the purpose of obtaining individual billing privileges. A Medicare administrative contractor assigned a June 23, 2017 effective date for Petitioner’s Medicare billing privileges, with retrospective billing privileges beginning May 24, 2017. I affirm the effective date assigned for Petitioner’s individual billing privileges.
I. Background and Procedural History
Petitioner, a physician, had previously been individually enrolled as a supplier in the Medicare program. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Exhibits (Exs.) 1 at 4; 3 at 3. On April 21, 2011, Petitioner, along with another owner/director of Targee Street Internal Medicine Group (the “group practice”) submitted an enrollment application (CMS Ex. 2 at 1-49), at which time Petitioner reassigned his benefits to the group practice. CMS Ex. 2 at 50-59. On May 5, 2011, National Government Services (NGS), a Medicare administrative contractor, issued a letter in which it assigned an
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April 21, 2011 effective date for the group practice’s billing privileges. CMS Exs. 1 at 9; 3 at 1. That same day, NGS issued a separate letter in which it terminated Petitioner’s individual provider transaction access number (PTAN),
In October 2016, NGS asked the group practice to revalidate its enrollment record. CMS Ex. 4 at 1-2. After the group practice did not respond to the revalidation request, NGS deactivated the group practice’s Medicare billing privileges, effective March 8, 2017. CMS Ex. 4 at 3-4.
After the group practice’s billing privileges were deactivated, Petitioner submitted an enrollment application, Form CMS-855I, via the internet-based Provider, Enrollment, Chain, and Ownership System (PECOS), to re-establish his individual billing privileges. CMS Ex. 5 at 1-4. NGS received the enrollment application on June 23, 2017. CMS Ex. 5 at 1. In a letter dated August 11, 2017, NGS informed Petitioner it had granted his request for individual billing privileges, effective May 24, 2017, which is 30 days prior to the June 23, 2017 date of receipt of the enrollment application.
In a letter received on August 21, 2017, Petitioner requested reconsideration of the effective date assigned for his individual billing privileges. CMS Ex. 6 at 1-2. Petitioner requested that the newly assigned PTAN “be active as of March 8, 2017, which is when [his] previous PTAN was terminated.” CMS Ex. 6 at 2. Petitioner explained that the practice “ceased being active with NGS Medicare Part B on 3/8/17 yet [he] continued to practice independently as an Internal Medicine Physician.” CMS Ex. 6 at 2.
NGS issued a reconsidered determination on October 9, 2017, in which it maintained the June 23, 2017 effective date of Petitioner’s individual billing privileges, with retrospective billing privileges beginning May 24, 2017. CMS Ex. 6 at 7-11. NGS explained that the effective date was “based on the received date of the approved application,” and that despite a “processing error” in which Petitioner was given a 30-day
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retrospective effective date of billing privileges,” Petitioner “had not provided evidence to support an earlier effective date.” CMS Ex. 6 at 9.
Petitioner submitted a request for an administrative law judge (ALJ) hearing that was received on November 15, 2017. ALJ Carolyn Cozad Hughes issued an Acknowledgment and Pre-Hearing Order (Pre-Hearing Order) on December 4, 2017, at which time she directed the parties to file their respective pre-hearing exchanges.
Neither party has submitted written direct testimony, as addressed in sections 8 through 10 of the Pre-Hearing Order. A hearing for the purpose of cross-examination is therefore unnecessary. I consider the record in this case to be closed, and the matter is ready for a decision on the merits.
II. Issue
III. Jurisdiction
I have jurisdiction to decide this case. 42 C.F.R. §§ 498.3(b)(15), 498.5(l)(2).
IV. Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and AnalysisFindings of fact and conclusions of law are in bold and italics.
1. NGS terminated Petitioner’s individual billing privileges, effective May 4, 2011.
V. Conclusion
Leslie C. Rogall Administrative Law Judge