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1976.12.09 DAB030 United Progess, Inc. (UPI), opens in a new tab [PDF]
1976.12.06 DAB029 State of Rhode Island, opens in a new tab [PDF]
1976.06.29 DAB028 San Antonio Independent School District, opens in a new tab [PDF]
1976.09.27 DAB027 Oregon Department of Higher Education, opens in a new tab [PDF]
1976.08.17 DAB026 State of Minnesota, Department of Public Welfare, opens in a new tab [PDF]
1976.06.30 DAB025 The Reggents of the University of California, opens in a new tab [PDF]
1976.06.29 DAB024 Southern University Baton Rouge, Louisiana, opens in a new tab [PDF]
1976.06.29 DAB023 San Antonio Independent School District, opens in a new tab [PDF]
1976.06.25 DAB022 Oregon State-wide Cost Allocation Plan, opens in a new tab [PDF]
1976.06.25 DAB021 Sencland Community Action, Inc., opens in a new tab [PDF]
1976.06.23 DAB020 Southern Mutual Help Assoc., Inc., opens in a new tab [PDF]
1976.06.21 DAB019 University of Missouri, opens in a new tab [PDF]
1976.06.04 DAB018 Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center for Mental Retardation, Inc., opens in a new tab [PDF]
1976.05.28 DAB017 St. Landry Parish School Board, opens in a new tab [PDF]
1976.05.20 DAB016 Point Park College, opens in a new tab [PDF]
1976.04.21 DAB015 University of the Pacific, opens in a new tab [PDF]
1976.03.10 DAB014 Education Commission of the States, opens in a new tab [PDF]
1976.01.27 DAB013 University of California, opens in a new tab [PDF]