Key personnel in the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) provide in-depth leadership and management of HHS legal services across the nation.

Immediate Office of the General Counsel
Find contact information for the key personnel within the Immediate Office of the General Counsel.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Division
Find contact information for the key personnel within the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Division (CMS).

Children, Family and Aging Division
Find contact information for the key personnel within the Children, Family and Aging Division (CFAD).

Civil Rights Division
Find contact information for the key personnel within the Civil Rights Division (CRD).

Ethics Division
Find contact information for the key personnel within the Ethics Division.

Food and Drug Division
Find contact information for the key personnel within the Food and Drug Division (FDD).

General Law Division
Find contact information for the key personnel within the General Law Division (GLD).

Legislative Division
Find contact information for the key personnel within the Legislative Division.

National Complex Litigation and Investigations Division
Find contact information for the key personnel within the National Complex Litigation and Investigations Division (NCLID).

Public Health Division
Find contact information for the key personnel within the Public Health Division (PHD).

Regional Offices
Find contact information for the key personnel within the ten regional offices.