HHS Agencies & Roles

Which agency do you want to work for? The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS):

Open jobs include roles focused on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) as well as non-STEM roles. 

Some positions are deemed mission critical. Mission-critical jobs are in high demand, vital for HHS to carry out our mission and help support key hiring initiatives.

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Featured HHS staff and operating divisions

Review the mission and programs for each HHS division and office listed below to help you narrow down your job choices. When you find a job that interests you, you can search for it on the HHS job openings page. You can also search for jobs at a specific HHS agency or office using the “Agencies” filter.

Staff divisions of the Office of the Secretary

The 17 staff divisions are offices that support the Secretary of HHS and provide leadership, direction, and policy guidance.

The Office of the Secretary is headquartered in Washington, DC. Everyday HHS provides millions of children, families, and seniors with access to high-quality health care, by helping people find jobs and parents find affordable child care, by keeping the food on Americans’ shelves safe and infectious diseases at bay, and by pushing the boundaries of how we diagnose and treat disease.

Positions featured at OS include:

  • Public Health Advisor
  • International Public Health Analyst
  • Paralegal Specialist

The Immediate Office of the Secretary is in charge of the duties and organizing the work of the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Positions include:

  • Correspondence Analyst (mission critical)
  • Counterintelligence, Insider Threat and Cyber Threat Intelligence (mission critical)
  • Information Security
  • National Personnel Security
  • Policy Coordinator
  • Regulations Coordinator
  • Safeguarding of Classified Information
  • Supervisory Policy Coordinator

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources at HHS provides guidance, direction, and implementation budgeting, financial management, grants, and acquisition management.

Positions include:

  • Accountant (mission critical)
  • Acquisition Management
  • Administrative Officer (mission critical)
  • Budget Analyst (mission critical)
  • Congressional Appropriations Specialist (mission critical)
  • Financial Management Analyst (mission critical)
  • Management/Program Analyst (mission critical)
  • Social Science Analyst (mission critical)
  • Social Science Intern (mission critical)

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health oversees key public health offices and programs at HHS, 10 regional health offices, many advisory committees, and the Office of the U.S. Surgeon General.

Positions include:

  • Health Equity (mission critical)
  • Health Prevention (mission critical)
  • Health Research (mission critical)
  • Minority Health (mission critical)
  • Women's Health (mission critical)

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Legislation is the main connection between HHS and Congress. ASL informs Congress of the tasks, actions, grants, and contracts that HHS works on.

Positions include:

  • Administrative Support Staff (mission critical)
  • Attorneys (mission critical)
  • Internships (mission critical)
  • Legislative Analysts (mission critical)

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation and ASPE advises the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on policy development in health, disability, human services, data, and science; and it provides advice and analysis on economic policy. ASPE leads special initiatives; coordinates the Department's evaluation, research, and demonstration activities; and manages cross-Department planning activities such as strategic planning, legislative planning, and review of regulations. Integral to this role, ASPE conducts research and evaluation studies, develops policy analyses, and estimates the cost and benefits of policy alternatives under consideration by the Department or Congress.


ASPE is organized into five principal offices.

Positions featured at ASPE include:

  • Economist
  • Social Science Analyst
  • Public Health Analyst
  • Health Scientist

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs handles most of the public affairs work at HHS. This includes managing digital communications, implementing the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts, and creating emergency incident communications.

Positions include:

  • Audiovisual Production Specialist (mission critical)
  • Government Information Specialist (mission critical)
  • Management Analyst (mission critical)
  • Press Assistant (mission critical)
  • Press Secretary (mission critical)
  • Public Affairs Specialist (mission critical)
  • Speech Writer (mission critical)

The Office for Civil Rights protects the public’s right of nondiscrimination, conscience, religious freedom, and health information privacy. We are in charge of upholding the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules, and the Patient Safety Act and Rule.

Positions include:

  • Attorney (mission critical)
  • Civil Rights Analyst (mission critical)
  • Executive Assistant (mission critical)
  • Supervisory Civil Rights Lead on Environmental Justice (mission critical)

The Departmental Appeals Board provides mediation and other dispute resolution services for people who appear before the Board. We hear appeals from many types of HHS program decisions, including grant disallowances and terminations as well as appeals from DAB Administrative Law Judges.

Positions include:

  • Attorneys (mission critical)
  • Law Clerks (mission critical)

The Office of the General Counsel is the legal team for HHS and our agencies and staff divisions.

Positions include:

  • Administrative Specialist (mission critical)
  • Attorney (mission critical)
  • Budget Analyst (mission critical)
  • Legal Technician (mission critical)
  • Management Analyst (mission critical)
  • Paralegals (mission critical)
  • Program Analyst (mission critical)

The Office of Inspector General fights waste, fraud, and abuse. OIG also works on improving the effectiveness and costs of Medicare, Medicaid, and more than 100 other HHS programs.

Positions include:

  • Attorney (mission critical)
  • Auditor (mission critical)
  • Budget Analyst (mission critical)
  • Contract Specialist (mission critical)
  • Criminal Investigator (mission critical)
  • General Investigator / Investigative Analyst (mission critical)
  • Grants Management Specialist (mission critical)
  • Information Technology (IT) Specialist / Cybersecurity Specialist (mission critical)
  • Social Science Research Analyst (mission critical)

The Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals handles appeals for the Medicare program.

Positions include:

  • Administrative Law Judge (mission critical)
  • Attorney Advisor (mission critical)
  • Legal Assistant (mission critical)
  • Legal Administrative Specialist (mission critical)

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology advises on the development, application, and use of health information technology. The goal of this technology is to reduce medical errors and improve the quality and value for private and public health care.

  • Health Specialist (mission critical)
  • IT Specialist (mission critical)
  • Management Analyst (mission critical)
  • Policy Analyst (mission critical)
  • Program Analyst (mission critical)
  • Public Health Analyst (mission critical)

The headquarters for the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps is in Washington, D.C. The Commission Corps is a uniformed service of more than 6,000 health professionals who are sent to work all over the U.S. and world. Corps officers serve in several federal agencies to protect, promote, and advance the health and safety of our nation through:

  • Quick and effective response to public health needs.
  • Leadership and excellence in public health practices.
  • Improvement of public health science.

Some example positions featured in the Commissioned Corps:

Learn more about how to apply to the Commissioned Corps.

HHS operating divisions

HHS administers more than 100 programs across its 13 operating divisions, or agencies. Of the 13 HHS operating divisions, ten are public health service agencies and three are human service agencies.

The headquarters for the Administration for Children and Families is in Washington, D.C. ACF provides compassionate delivery of human services for families, children, individuals, and communities. Our grant programs strengthen economic independence and productivity. We enhance the quality of life for people throughout their entire lives.

Some example positions featured at ACF include:

  • Child and Family Program Specialist
  • Head Start Program Specialist
  • Management Analyst

The headquarters for the Administration for Community Living is in Washington, D.C. ACL provides policy and program support to increase the independence, well-being, and health of older adults with or without Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, adults and children with physical and developmental disabilities and their families and caregivers. ACL includes Administration on Aging, the Office on Disability, and the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.

Some example positions featured at ACL include:

  • Aging and Disability Program Coordinator
  • Procurement Analyst
  • Regional Administrator

The stakeholder and operations hub for the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health is in Washington, D.C. ARPA-H also has hubs in Dallas, TX and the greater Boston area. As a newly formed agency, we speed up better health outcomes for everyone. We do this by supporting the development of solutions that will have a high impact to society’s most challenging health problems. 

Some example positions featured at ARPA-H include: 

  • Chief Information Security Officer
  • Chief of Staff 
  • Director of Communications 
  • Program Manager 
  • Scalable Solutions Mission Office Deputy Director

The headquarters for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response is in Washington, D.C. ASPR serves as the advisory staff on public health emergencies. We prioritize protecting the civilian population.

Some example positions featured at ASPR include:

  • Contract Specialist (mission critical)
  • Emergency Management Specialist (mission critical)
  • Health Scientist Admin (mission critical)
  • Information Technology and Cyber Policy (mission critical)
  • Intelligence Operations Specialist (mission critical)
  • Management and Program Analyst (mission critical)
  • Physical Security Specialist (mission critical)
  • Physician (mission critical)
  • Public Health Analyst (mission critical)

The headquarters for the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality is in Rockville, MD. The evidence that AHRQ produces makes sure that all Americans can benefit from health care that is safer, of higher quality, more accessible, and more affordable. We work with HHS and other partners to make sure that the health care evidence is understood and used.

Some example positions featured at AHRQ include:

  • Director (mission critical)
  • Deputy Director and Health Scientist Administrator (mission critical)
  • Economist (mission critical)
  • Management/Program Analyst (mission critical)
  • Physician (mission critical)
  • Special Assistant to Director (mission critical)
  • Supervisor (mission critical)

The headquarters for the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry is in Atlanta, GA. ATSDR helps keep communities safe from harm that may come from natural and man-made dangerous substances. We respond to environmental health emergencies, investigate new environmental health threats, research the health effects of hazardous waste sites, and provide guidance to state and local health partners.

Some example positions featured at ATSDR may work in one of our offices, such as our:

  • Office of Capacity Development and Applied Prevention Science.
  • Office of Communications.
  • Office of Management and Analytics.

The headquarters for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is in Atlanta, GA. We work 24/7 to protect America from threats to their health, safety, and biosecurity. CDC fights disease and supports communities and citizens to do the same, no matter if diseases:

  • Start at home or abroad.
  • Are chronic or acute.
  • Are curable or preventable.
  • Are the result of human error or an intentional attack.

Some example positions and areas of focus featured at CDC include:

The headquarters for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is in Baltimore, MD. CMS strengthens and updates the nation’s health care system through its supervision of public funds. We provide access to high-quality care and improved health at a lower cost.

CMS is the largest purchaser of health care in the U.S. We are in charge of Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the Health Insurance Marketplace. All of these provide health coverage for more than 100 million individuals.

Some example positions featured at CMS include:

  • Actuary
  • Health Insurance Specialist
  • Public Affairs Specialist

The headquarters for the Food and Drug Administration is in Silver Spring, MD. The FDA protects the public health by guaranteeing the safety, security, and efficacy of:

  • Human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices.
  • Our nation's food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation.

FDA also governs the manufacturing, marketing, and distribution of tobacco products. This is in order to protect public health and to reduce tobacco use by youth.

FDA advances public health by helping to speed innovations that make medical products more effective, low-priced, and safer. We provide the public with scientific-based information about medical products and food that can help them stay well and improve their health.

FDA also protects the nation from counterterrorism. We ensure the security of the food supply. We foster the development of medical products to respond to planned and naturally emerging public health threats.

Some example positions and areas of focus featured at FDA include:

The headquarters for the Health Resources and Services Administration is in Rockville, MD. HRSA improves health and achieves health equity through access to quality services, an experienced health workforce, and innovative programs. We are the main federal agency to improve access to health care services for people who don’t have health insurance, are alone, or have health problems.

Some example positions featured at HRSA include:

  • Administrative Officer
  • Contracting Series (mission critical)
  • Management Analyst (mission critical)
  • Medical Officer (mission critical)
  • Nurse Consultant (mission critical)
  • Public Health Analyst (mission critical)
  • Purchasing Agent

The headquarters for the Indian Health Service is in Rockville, MD. We provide federal health services to American Indians (Native Americans) and Alaska Natives. IHS is the main federal health care provider and health advocate for American Indians. Our goal is to raise the health status of our tribal patients to the highest possible level. IHS provides a thorough health service delivery system for American Indians and Alaska Natives.

IHS is divided into twelve physical areas of the United States, including Alaska, Albuquerque, Bemidji, Billings, California, Great Plains, Nashville, Navajo, Oklahoma, Phoenix, Portland, and Tucson. Each of these areas has a unique group of Tribes that we work with daily.

Some example positions featured at IHS include:

The headquarters for the National Institutes of Health is in Bethesda, MD. We are made up of 27 different components called Institutes and Centers. Each has its own specific research agenda. Most of these focus on diseases or body parts. As the nation’s medical research agency, NIH makes important discoveries that improve health and save lives.

Some example positions featured at NIH include:

  • Administrative Official
  • Contract and Procurement (mission critical)
  • Executive
  • General Engineering
  • Grants Management Specialist (mission critical)
  • Information Technology Management (mission critical)
  • Scientific Careers
    • General Biological Science (mission critical)
    • General Health Science (mission critical)
    • Medical Officer (mission critical)
    • Nurse (mission critical)
    • Social Science (mission critical)

The headquarters for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is in Rockville, MD. SAMHSA works to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on U.S. communities. SAMHSA serves as a national expert on:

  • Mental health and mental illness.
  • Substance abuse.
  • Behavioral health systems of care.

We coordinate behavioral health surveillance to better understand the impact and costs associated with treatment of substance abuse and mental illness on children, individuals, and families.

SAMHSA also helps to ensure dollars are invested in programs and plans that are based on evidence and data. Our goal is for these programs and plans to improve the public’s health and strength.

Some example positions featured at SAMHSA include:

  • Contracts Specialist
  • Grants Management Specialist
  • Statistician

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