The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) provides billions of dollars for resilient and renewable infrastructure. The Catalytic Program aims to connect safety net health care providers to those opportunities so they can better serve their communities. While this content is developed for the health sector, much of the information shared is also broadly applicable to nonprofits.
The Catalytic Program provides support via the Quickfinder on Leveraging the IRA for the Health Sector, which reviews key programs and links to the most up-to-date guidance; recorded webinars (below) on applicable IRA programs, with presentations from federal partners and health care provider stories; written case studies featuring health care organizations who are leveraging key IRA opportunities; and one-page summaries of IRA programs relevant to Migrant Health Centers, Tribal providers, and rural providers.
This page includes resources from the Catalytic Program, separated into the following sections:
I. Upcoming Sessions
II. Case Studies
III. IRA Resources for Migrant Health Centers, Tribal Providers, and Rural Providers
IV. National Sessions
V. Essential Hospital Breakout Sessions
VI. Health Center Breakout Sessions
VII. Rural Provider Breakout Sessions
I. Upcoming Sessions
Please watch this space for news about upcoming Catalytic Program sessions.
II. Case Studies*
Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Case Studies Map
*Case studies are based solely on information provided voluntarily by health care providers and do not include federal tax information. Publication of the case studies does not represent a position of the Internal Revenue Service or any other federal agency regarding eligibility for tax benefits.
III. IRA Resources for Migrant Health Centers, Tribal Providers, and Rural Providers
The one-page resources linked below provide an overview of IRA opportunities that can reduce operating costs and improve resilience for Migrant Health Centers, Tribal providers, and rural providers.
IV. National Sessions
Speakers: White House Office of Clean Energy, Innovation, and Implementation, Bureau of Primary Health Care at the Health Resources and Services Administration, Crescent Care Community Health Center, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
This session introduces the Catalytic Program and the opportunities presented to the health sector by the IRA. Welcome messages from the White House Office of Clean Energy, Innovation, and Implementation and the Bureau of Primary Health Care at the Health Resources and Services Administration, a climate resilience success story from CrescentCare Community Health Center, and a program overview and Q&A with the Office of Climate Change and Health Equity. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: American Society for Health Care Engineering, Department of Energy, Ohio Hospital Association, OhioHealth, Sun River Health, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
In this session, we hear from the American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE) about the principles and tools for self-assessment, and the Department of Energy shares information about the Better Buildings Initiative and how to get started with self-assessment. Learn about the supports that Ohio Hospital Association provides for self-assessment and hear from OhioHealth and Sun River Health about their experiences using self-assessment to consider IRA opportunities. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: Department of the Treasury, Department of Energy, Boston Medical Center, Valley Children’s Healthcare, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
Colleagues from the Department of the Treasury and the Department of Energy provide details about qualifying for direct pay (also known as elective pay), share an overview of a direct pay-eligible IRA tax credit: the Investment Tax Credit (ITC), and answer questions from webinar attendees. Valley Children’s Healthcare and Boston Medical Center share how they are using the ITC, and answer questions about how their projects came to fruition. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: Department of the Treasury, Department of Energy, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
Colleagues from the Department of the Treasury and the Department of Energy join us to talk about the Alternative Vehicle Refueling Property Credit (§ 30C), the Credit for Qualified Commercial Clean Vehicles (§ 45W), and the Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction (§ 179D). The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center also shares how they are considering using § 179D for a future project. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Agriculture, Sixteenth Street Clinic, The Oaks Healthcare, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
In this session, colleagues from the Environmental Protection Agency share details about the Community Change Grants program, Sixteenth Street Clinic shares information about their environmental health programming, the Department of Agriculture provides an overview of the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP), and hear about the project that the Oaks Healthcare received REAP funding for. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: Clean Energy Group, Capital Link, Department of Energy, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity, NYC Health and Hospitals, Advent Health
Colleagues from Clean Energy Group and Capital Link share lessons and approaches to scoping and financing a project, the Department of Energy shares federal financial supports and tools, and NYC Health and Hospitals and Advent Health reflect on their own experience with sustainability projects. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Environmental Protection Agency, National Academy of Medicine, Joint Commission, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
Closing remarks for the webinar series, and resources are shared from the Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Academy of Medicine, the Joint Commission, America’s Essential Hospitals, and the National Association of Community Health Centers to help health sector organizations more forward with their decarbonization and climate resilience work with the conclusion of this webinar series. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: Ohio Hospital Association, American Hospital Association, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
In this session, the Ohio Hospital Association joined the Office of Climate Change and Health Equity and American Hospital Association to provide state hospital associations and other state-level organizations with information on how best to support action on climate and sustainability at the state level, including taking advantage of opportunities like the Inflation Reduction Act. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: White House Office of Clean Energy, Innovation, and Implementation, Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of the Treasury, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
In this session, experts from the White House, Environmental Protection Agency, and Department of the Treasury presented on the health sector can leverage the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: National Association of Community Health Centers, Chiricahua Community Health Center, San Fernando Community Health Center, Collective Energy, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
Learn how Chiricahua Community Health Center and San Fernando Community Health Center are leveraging Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) tax credits to install solar arrays that power their facilities. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: Opportunity Finance Network, Climate United Fund, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
In this session, two of EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) grant recipients, Climate United Fund and Opportunity Finance Network, talk about their plans to finance clean energy projects across the country and how the health sector can take advantage of this funding. Watch the recording here.
Session Resources:
Speakers: Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Institute, Green and Healthy Homes Initiative, JSI Research and Training Institute, Philanthropy Northwest, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
OCCHE and EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights discuss the Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmakers Program which offers subgrants for capacity building in communities affected by environmental or public health issues to eligible applicants, including nonprofit organizations. Certain Grantmakers also joined to share details about subgrant applications. The subgrants can address issues including air quality & asthma, improving food access to reduce vehicle miles traveled, emergency preparedness and disaster resiliency, and environmental job training for occupations that reduce greenhouse gases and other air pollutants. Watch the recording here.
V. Essential Hospital Breakout Sessions
Speakers: America’s Essential Hospitals, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
The Essential Hospital Breakout Sessions are discussion-based meetings that build on the topics of the previous week’s national session. This session builds on the Introduction to the Catalytic Program session. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: Environmental Protection Agency, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Ohio Hospital Association, OhioHealth, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
The Essential Hospital Breakout Sessions are discussion-based meetings that build on the topics of the previous week’s national session. This session builds on the Self-Assessment session. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: Boston Medical Center, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
The Essential Hospital Breakout Sessions are discussion-based meetings that build on the topics of the previous week’s national session. This session builds on the Direct Pay and the Investment Tax Credit session. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: Southcoast Health, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
The Essential Hospital Breakout Sessions are discussion-based meetings that build on the topics of the previous week’s national session. This session builds on the Energy Efficient Buildings, Clean Vehicles, and Vehicle Refueling Tax Credits session. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: Environmental Protection Agency, Children’s Mercy, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
The Essential Hospital Breakout Sessions are discussion-based meetings that build on the topics of the previous week’s national session. This session builds on the Community Change Grants session. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: Clean Energy Group, Department of Energy, NYC Health and Hospitals, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
The Essential Hospital Breakout Sessions are discussion-based meetings that build on the topics of the previous week’s national session. This session builds on the Financing Strategies session. Watch the recording here.
VI. Health Center Breakout Sessions
Speakers: National Association of Community Health Centers, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
The Health Centers Breakout Sessions are discussion-based meetings that build on the topics of the previous week’s national session. This session builds on the Introduction to the Catalytic Program session. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: Environmental Protection Agency, Sun River Health
The Health Centers Breakout Sessions are discussion-based meetings that build on the topics of the previous week’s national session. This session builds on the Self-Assessment session. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: CommuniCare + OLE, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
The Health Centers Breakout Sessions are discussion-based meetings that build on the topics of the previous week’s national session. This session builds on the Direct Pay and the Investment Tax Credit session. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: Fair Haven Community Health Center, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
The Health Centers Breakout Sessions are discussion-based meetings that build on the topics of the previous week’s national session. This session builds on the Energy Efficient Buildings, Clean Vehicles, and Vehicle Refueling Tax Credits session. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: Environmental Protection Agency, Sixteenth Street Clinic, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
The Health Centers Breakout Sessions are discussion-based meetings that build on the topics of the previous week’s national session. This session builds on the Community Change Grants session. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: Collective Energy, Department of Energy, Crescent Care Community Health Center, Fair Haven Community Health Center, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
The Health Centers Breakout Sessions are discussion-based meetings that build on the topics of the previous week’s national session. This session builds on the Financing Strategies session. Watch the recording here.
VII. Rural Provider Breakout Sessions
Speakers: National Association of Rural Health Clinics, National Rural Health Association, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
The Rural Provider Breakout Sessions are discussion-based meetings that build on the topics of the previous week’s national session. This session builds on the Introduction to the Catalytic Program session. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: Environmental Protection Agency, Penn State Health, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
The Rural Provider Breakout Sessions are discussion-based meetings that build on the topics of the previous week’s national session. This session builds on the Self-Assessment session. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: Valley Children’s Healthcare, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
The Rural Provider Breakout Sessions are discussion-based meetings that build on the topics of the previous week’s national session. This session builds on the Direct Pay and the Investment Tax Credit session. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: OhioHealth, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
The Rural Provider Breakout Sessions are discussion-based meetings that build on the topics of the previous week’s national session. This session builds on the Energy Efficient Buildings, Clean Vehicles, and Vehicle Refueling Tax Credit session. Watch the recording here.
Speakers: Department of Agriculture, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
The Rural Provider Breakout Sessions are discussion-based meetings that build on the topics of the previous week’s national session. This session builds on the Rural Energy for America Program session. Watch the recording here.