If I got emotional, hit my hand, or anything like that, I’d get a storm of swelling
Almost anything can bring on the swelling, even mosquito bites or the sling I wore when I hurt my arm. If I was emotional or stressed, the swelling got worse. I’m an emotional person and under a lot of stress right now. I just moved from the reservation, I’m starting a new school, and I’m trying to make new friends. So, before my treatments, I had swelling everywhere. I always wore long sleeves to school so I wouldn’t have to explain the swelling in my arms.
My plasma therapy has been amazing
My mom takes plasma medicine for her HAE, and it works so well for her I started on it about a month ago. She takes it in pill form but I use injections, and it’s really amazing. I used to have swelling every other day, but I haven’t had a single episode since I started my plasma therapy. And that’s just so great.