In 1964, a landmark Surgeon General report was released warning of the health hazards of smoking. Since then, the rate of tobacco use in the United States has significantly decreased but there is still work to do. Preventing tobacco use remains a high priority of the Office of the Surgeon General because, even with that decrease, it continues to be the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Today, we know that there is no safe level of exposure to tobacco smoke. We know that the very design of tobacco products, especially e-cigarettes, makes them more attractive and addictive than ever. And we know, without a doubt, that quitting smoking saves lives.
Learn what the Surgeon General has been doing to eradicate the scourge of tobacco. Explore the wide range of publications below on how we can protect all Americans from the dangers of tobacco and nicotine and prevent our youth from starting to use tobacco in the first place.