Document #: HHS-OCIO-OCPO-2020-08-008
Version #: 1.0
Last Reviewed: August 2020
Next Review: August 2023
Approved By: José Arrieta, Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Table of Contents
- Nature of Changes
- Purpose
- Background
- Scope
- Authorities
- Policy
- Roles and Responsibilities
- 7.1. HHS Chief Information Officer (CIO)
- 7.2. HHS Office of the Chief Acquisition Officer (CAO)
- 7.3. HHS Office of the Chief Product Officer (CPO)
- 7.4. HHS Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
- 7.5. ASFR/Office of Acquisition Workforce and Strategic Initiatives
- 7.6. HHS Office of Acquisitions (OA)
- 7.7. HHS Vendor Management Office (VMO)
- 7.8. HHS Enterprise IT Asset Manager
- 7.9. HHS Telecommunications Program Management Office (PMO)
- 7.10. OpDiv CIOs; StaffDiv IT Leads
- 7.11. OpDiv/StaffDiv ITAM Manager
- 7.12. OpDiv/StaffDiv Telecommunications Manager
- Information and Assistance
- Effective Date and Implementation
- Approval
- Concurrence
Appendix D: Forms and Templates
1. Nature of Changes
This is the first issuance of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Policy for Information Technology Asset Management (ITAM), herein referred to as, Policy.
2. Purpose
The purpose of this Policy is to establish the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) program for the management of Information Technology (IT) and Telecommunication assets in compliance with the Cap Goal 7: Category Management – Leveraging Common Contracts and Best Practices to Drive Saving and Efficiencies, within the President’s Management Agenda (PMA); to buy common goods and services as an enterprise to eliminate redundancies, increase efficiency, and to deliver more value and savings from the government’s acquisition programs.
This Policy expands upon, and supersedes, the HHS Policy for Software Asset Management (SAM), to include the management of hardware, mobile, and telecommunications assets. A SAM framework alone is not as effective or successful without having Hardware Asset Management (HAM) processes in place too. Software has impacts on hardware (e.g., is the hardware powerful enough to run the software?) and hardware impacts on software (e.g., legacy software that only works on certain desktops). Interrelating the two disciplines and having an overall ITAM process that considers hardware, telecommunications, mobile, and software assets is the best way of effectively managing IT assets, while ensuring compliance is also being met.
Another important aspect of ITAM is capturing the financial information about the hardware lifecycle, which helps the HHS CIO in making business decisions based on meaningful and measurable financial objectives. Effectively managing these assets can lead to a reduction in the amount of money spent on the hardware during its lifecycle as reduced maintenance costs, hardware budgets, software spend, and saving money through disposal processes. An effective ITAM also helps to anticipate future year’s IT budgets, while correspondingly giving transparency to the IT stakeholders.
3. Background
HHS is responsible for ensuring legislative and organizational information technology (IT) strategic goals are aligned to receive consistent implementation across the agency. The Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA), passed by Congress in December 2014, has evolved with the release of each scorecard, resulting in new processes and policies within HHS. HHS published a policy to manage Software assets in 2019 (Software Asset Management).
This Policy will expand the scope of the SAM policy to include other categories and serve as an inclusive ITAM policy, to help HHS improve the acquisition and management of all IT assets, and to align and meet the goals set forth in the HHS IT Strategic Plan as well as the PMA Cap Goals.
The HHS fulfills its IT compliance responsibilities by developing and implementing robust policies that support federal mandates and programs. This Policy is in place to formalize HHS ITAM and to further leverage procurement contracts, manage assets to obtain better pricing, improve IT asset availability, decrease cyber-attack vulnerabilities, align infrastructure across OpDivs, and adopt and standardize asset management best practices.
4. Scope
This Policy sets forth requirements for the HHS Chief Information Officer (CIO), the HHS Operating Division (OpDiv) CIOs, and Staff Division (StaffDiv) IT Leads to optimize current SAM tools and procedures, as well as develop a more mature Category Management program, including implementation of best practices for the management of software licenses and initiating a telecommunication and hardware asset program.
Specifically, this Policy includes the management of all IT assets, including, but not limited to, software, hardware, mobile, and telecommunication assets. This Policy also incorporates IT assets acquired outside of enterprise agreements, independently by OpDivs (e.g., Networx, WITS, Local Services Agreements). This Policy allows the HHS CIO to accurately track and report all of HHS’s IT assets. This Policy will also allow HHS to identify future IT asset needs using a complete inventory of existing IT assets; provide recommendations on using enterprise contracts for better pricing and standardization of HHS IT assets; and align HHS' IT needs with its long-term IT strategic plans, as well as develop a more mature program, including the implementation of best practices for category management, throughout the lifecycle to better meet each OpDiv mission.
This Policy applies to all HHS OpDivs and all IT assets within an OpDivs’ portfolio. This Policy supersedes the HHS Policy for Software Asset Management (SAM), but does not supersede any applicable law or higher-level agency directive or policy guidance. OpDivs may create a supplemental policy that is more stringent.
5. Authorities
Authorities include:
- Clinger-Cohen Act (40 U. S.C. §§ 11101-11 704)
- E-Government Act of 2002 Public Law 113–291—Dec. 19, 2014: Title VIII National Defense Authorization Act For Fiscal Year 2015, Subtitle D—Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform (FITARA), 2014
- Making Electronic Government Accountable By Yielding Tangible Efficiencies (MEGABYTE) Act of 2016 40 USC 11302, Public Law 114–210—JULY 29, 2016
- Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended in 1998 (29 U.S.C. 794d)
- Title 48 Chapter 1 of the Code of Federal Regulations, 48 C.F.R. 1. Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 2005-99
Federal Guidance
- Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB), Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards (SFFAS) No. 10, Accounting for Internal Use Software
- FASAB, Federal Financial Accounting Technical Release 16, Implementation Guidance for Internal Use Software, January 19, 2016
- Government Accountability Office (GAO) 14-413 Federal Software Licenses: Better Management Needed to Achieve Significant Savings Government-Wide, 2014
- Office and Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-130, “Managing Information as a Strategic Resource”
- OMB M-16-12 “Memorandum for The Heads of Departments And Agencies, Category Management Policy 16-1: Improving the Acquisition and Management of Common Information Technology: Software Licensing” June 2, 2016
- OMB M-15-14, Memorandum for Heads of EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES: Management and Oversight of Federal Information Technology, June I 0, 2015
- OMB M-19-13 “Memorandum for The Heads of Departments And Agencies, Category Management: Making Smarter Use of Common Contract Solutions and Practice, March 20, 2019
- President’s Management Agenda
HHS Policies and Guidance
- HHS FITARA Implementation-Revised HHS IT Governance Framework, HHS, Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO), October 25, 2016
- HHS FITARA Implementation Plan, September 2015.
- GAO audit recommendations of HHS’s Telecommunications inventory management and IT Strategic Planning – April 2020
6. Policy
In accordance with the OMB Memorandum M-16-12 and M-19-13, agencies are required to develop and participate in the HHS Enterprise ITAM Program. In response, HHS has developed the HHS Enterprise ITAM Program based on an overarching framework to support the centralization and management of all HHS IT assets. Further, the focus of the ITAM Program is expected to reduce lifecycle costs and improve IT asset management practices including, but not limited to, the following activities:
- Developing an IT asset management centralization plan
Appendix C of this Policy will be updated to include the centralization plan in FY2021, and this footnote will be removed. ; - Establishing a baseline inventory of all assets purchased, deployed, or in use across the agency;
- Establishing governance to continue to allow OpDivs to independently acquire IT assets;
- Identifying asset management needs that aligns HHS's asset needs with its long-term IT Strategic plans;
- Establishing a centralized authority to obtain funding to support the Telecommunications Program Management Office (PMO), ITAM/Vendor Management Office (VMO), and associated centralized-operation needs for all IT assets;
- Utilizing automated tools to maintain, track, and analyze telecommunication inventory data;
- Analyzing inventory data to ensure compliance with purchase agreements, consolidate redundant applications and identify other cost-saving opportunities;
- Providing telecommunication management training to key HHS personnel;
- Complying with OMB, General Services Administration (GSA) and GAO and Enterprise Software Category Team (ESCT) reporting requirements; and
- Incorporating Internal Use Software (IUS) data into the integrated data collections (IDC) data collection and reporting schedule, as detailed in Appendix A.
The HHS will conduct semi-annual IDC of HHS OpDivs assets to update the HHS IT inventory. While each OpDiv may maintain an IT inventory independently, all OpDivs must report OpDiv specific data using the designated standard to support the central collection of data, detailed at Appendix A. The data submission must also include requirements to meet any internal and external audits from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources’ (ASFR) HHS Policy for Accounting for Internal Use Software (IUS), also detailed at Appendix A.
7. Roles and Responsibilities
7.1. HHS Chief Information Officer (CIO)
The HHS CIO, or designee, must:
- Maintain overall responsibility for execution of this Policy and ensure compliance with legislative requirements;
- Coordinate personnel and processes across HHS, in support of this initiative, including key areas such as finance, acquisitions, IT, enterprise architecture, and security;
- Collaborate with the HHS cross-functional leadership team, in support of the Telecommunication Program, to include the Chief Financial Officer, Chief Acquisition Officer, Chief Human Capital Officer, and other critical partners; and
- Identify and appoint the HHS Enterprise IT Asset Manager.
7.2. HHS Office of the Chief Acquisition Officer (CAO)
The HHS Office of the CAO must:
- Oversee execution of the Telecommunication Program, as specified in Section 6 of this Policy.
7.3. HHS Office of the Chief Product Officer (CPO)
The HHS Office of the CPO must:
- Oversee execution of the ITAM Program, as specified in Section 6 of this Policy; and
- Collaborate with the HHS Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and the HHS Chief Enterprise Architect (CEA) in sharing applicable inventory information to comply with various reporting requirements and analyses.
7.4. HHS Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
The HHS CFO must:
- Ensure compliance with the HHS Policy for Accounting for Internal Use Software from the Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources (ASFR).
7.5. ASFR/Office of Acquisition Workforce and Strategic Initiatives
The Office of Acquisition Workforce and Strategic Initiatives must:
- Identify key personnel to facilitate data collection and communication related to the IUS policy.
7.6. HHS Office of Acquisitions (OA)
The OA must:
- Identify key personnel and relevant training topics to comply with OMB requirements;
- Ensure relevant agency personnel are trained in Telecommunication practices in various phases of the acquisition lifecycle across the Department;
- Ensure changes to acquisitions data systems will account for the structured data and automated capabilities; and
- Facilitate structured data collection in HHS procurement systems that can be synced with GSA tools.
7.7. HHS Vendor Management Office (VMO)
The HHS VMO must:
- Implement this Policy;
- Oversee consolidation of OpDiv IT asset inventories annually for review and OMB reporting;
- Establish ITAM program goals and objectives in alignment with federal requirements, stakeholder input, and existing HHS protocols;
- Serve as the HHS Enterprise IT Asset Manager to work within the HHS OCIO and support the central management of HHS OpDiv inventories; and
- Perform and review semi-annual IDCs from HHS OpDivs to update HHS software license inventory.
7.8. HHS Enterprise IT Asset Manager
The HHS Enterprise IT Asset Manager must:
- Escalate adjudication issues or concerns, with creation of the ITAM strategy and implementation of the policy, to HHS CIO;
- Process OpDiv and ESCT Reports;
- In accordance with OMB 16-12, manage planning and strategy of all HHS-wide commercial software agreements and licenses;
- Ensure relevant agency personnel are trained in ITAM practices in various phases of the acquisition lifecycle across the Department;
- Compile and continually update an inventory of all software licenses, including all licenses purchased, deployed and in use, as well as spending on subscription services to include provisional software as a service (SaaS) agreement;
- Implement improvements to reduce duplication and ensure the adoption of IT asset management best practices;
- Leverage and identify automated tools
Tools will be defined as part of the development of the FY 2021 ITAM centralization plan. OpDivs will have the flexibility to choose their own tool set and work with the Enterprise to send appropriate data, as defined by the ITAM program that will support the ITAM Program; and - Submit consolidated report of software license inventories to OMB, the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources (ASFR), and other entities, as required.
7.9. HHS Telecommunications Program Management Office (PMO)
The HHS Telecommunications PMO must:
- Implement this Policy;
- Oversee consolidation of OpDiv telecommunication inventories annually for review and provide reports to external entities (e.g., OMB, GAO);
- Establish program goals and objectives in alignment with federal requirements, stakeholder input, and existing HHS protocols;
- Perform and review semi-annual IDCs from HHS OpDivs to update HHS telecommunications inventory;
- Escalate adjudication issues or concerns, with creation of the Telecommunications strategy and implementation of the policy, to HHS CIO and CAO;
- Process OpDiv Reports;
- In accordance with OMB 16-12, manage planning and strategy of all HHS-wide telecommunication agreements and licenses;
- Ensure relevant agency personnel are trained in telecommunications practices in various phases of the acquisition lifecycle across the Department;
- Compile and continually update an inventory of all telecommunication assets, including all licenses purchased, deployed and in use, as well as spending on services to include provisional services or assets;
- Implement improvements to reduce duplication and ensure the adoption of operational management best practices; and
- Leverage automated tools
Tools will be defined as part of the development of the FY 2021 PMO centralization plan. OpDivs will have the flexibility to choose their own tool set and work with the Enterprise to send appropriate data, as defined by the PMO program. that will support the Telecommunications Program.
7.10. OpDiv CIOs; StaffDiv IT Leads
The OpDivs/StaffDivs must:
- Implement and ensure compliance with this Policy;
- Appoint an OpDiv/StaffDiv ITAM Manager(s); and
- Appoint an OpDiv/StaffDiv Telecommunications Manager.
7.11. OpDiv/StaffDiv ITAM Manager
The OpDiv/StaffDiv ITAM Manager must:
- Assist the HHS Enterprise ITAM Manager in defining the ITAM Program, processes, and artifacts, as it relates to the OpDiv/StaffDiv;
- Communicate plans and requirements to OpDiv/StaffDiv;
- Discover all software/hardware components of IT inventory on the IT infrastructure, in accordance with the criteria detailed in Appendix A;
- Maintain an inventory of acquired or developed IUS;
- Submit OpDiv/StaffDiv ITAM inventory, and computer asset transition plan, as required; and
- Collaborate with the HHS Enterprise ITAM Manager to ensure quality data submission.
7.12. OpDiv/StaffDiv Telecommunications Manager
The OpDiv/StaffDiv Telecommunications Manager must:
- Assist the HHS Telecommunications PMO in defining the Telecommunications Program, processes, and artifacts, as it relates to the OpDiv/StaffDiv;
- Communicate plans and requirements to OpDiv/StaffDiv;
- Discover all components of telecommunications inventory on the infrastructure, in accordance with the criteria detailed in Appendix A;
- Collaborate with the HHS EIS PMO to ensure quality data submission; and
- Submit OpDiv/StaffDiv inventory, as required.
8. Information and Assistance
The HHS Vendor Management Office within the Office of the Chief Product Officer is responsible for the development and management of this Policy. Direct questions, comments, suggestions, and requests for information about this Policy to
9. Effective Date and Implementation
The effective date of this Policy is the date on which the policy is approved. This Policy must be reviewed, at a minimum, every three (3) years from the approval date. The HHS CIO has the authority to grant a one (1) year extension of the Policy. To archive this Policy, approval must be granted, in writing, by the HHS CIO.
10. Approval
José Arrieta, Chief Information Officer (CIO)
11. Concurrence
Scott Rowell, Assistant Secretary for Administration (ASA)
Appendix A: Requirements
Please note that this appendix is subject to change at any time. The current version of this Policy will always reside in the OCIO Policy Library.
Current reporting requirements include software, internal use software, hardware, computer, mobile and telecommunications assets. Other assets may be considered and implemented as requirements are defined (e.g., cloud)
Software Asset Management/MEGABYTE Act Requirements
The table below captures the data collection requirements detailed in the MEGABYTE Act. OpDivs continue to meet periodically to refine this set of data elements to ensure consistent reporting from all HHS stakeholders. These data elements are subject to change for further refinement as the OpDiv SAM programs are better defined. Changes will be communicated during each IDC reporting cycle.
a | Publisher | Publisher/original equipment manufacturer | Cisco |
b | Product Name | Official name of the product as defined by the publisher | CON-ECDN-SMS-1, 1811 |
c | Product Item number or SKU | Publisher-provided item # or SKU | CON-ECDN-SMS |
d | End of Life? | Is the product and/or version considered end of life? Yes or No | No |
e | Product Version | Official version # of the product as defined by the publisher | 6.2.2 |
f | Product Detailed Description | Description of the software product provided, if applicable | Essential Comm. Service |
g | Vendor Classification | Business/socioeconomic classification of the vendor/ reseller | Large Business |
h | Re-Seller Name | Vendor who sold the product | CDW-G |
i | Purchasing Agency | Specify agency purchasing software licenses / maintenance | HHS |
j | Purchasing Sub-Agency / Org | Specify Sub-agency/ Org purchasing licenses / maintenance | PSC |
k | Sub-Agency / Org. POC | Primary Point of contact and contact information | Mario Lemieux, |
l | Contracting Office / Officer | CO Name and contact details | Sidney Crosby, |
m | Type of Contract | ELA (Identify OpDiv and if IAA is used); Free or Pcard | ELA |
n | Requisition Order Number | Number that is assigned | GS-07F-9926H |
o | (Purchase) Order Number | Awarded number in Prism | HHSM-500-2013-00294G |
p | Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) | Specific CLIN, if applicable | 3 |
q | Period of Perform. End Date | Last day of the current contract option year | 09/27/2017 |
r | License vs. Maintenance | Designation of the product: license or maintenance | License |
s | License Type | Designation of the type of license being provided | Annual |
t | Unit Price -S70 | List unit price per the Schedule 70 contract | $330 |
u | Unit Type | Unit of measure | Each |
v | Baseline Price | Initial price paid for license | $300 |
w | Unit Price | Unit price paid per license/maintenance provided | $330 |
x | Unit Count | Total number of units purchased | 1 |
y | Additional Discounts | Any additional discounts provided | 20% |
z | Total Cost Savings | Value of savings | $60 |
aa | Total Unit Savings | Value of savings per unit | $60 |
ab | Total Cost | Final cost of licenses purchased | $240 |
HHS Policy for Accounting for Internal Use Software Requirements:
As part of the effort to consolidate data collection activities, OpDivs must also provide the annual Internal Use Software inventory results to the OCIO VMO. The OCIO VMO will provide the inventory to ASFR/OF, upon the Chief Product Officer approval. The IUS policy remains unchanged and the data collected is maintained as separate data calls.
For reference purposes, the IUS data requirements request the following information:
OpDivs must maintain an inventory of capitalized IUS acquired or developed. At a minimum, inventory records must include:
- Name of software;
- Location of software;
- Method of acquisition Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS), contractor-developed, internally developed);
- Cost of capitalized software (account for in development and in-use costs separately);
- Useful life of capitalized software;
- Amortization per accounting period;
- Software costs expensed during the preliminary design and operational phases; and
- Enhancement costs to software (both capitalized and expensed).
Inventory records must include copies of invoices and contracts, labor cost methodologies, licensing arrangements, and other necessary documentation related to the software costs.
An inventory of all capitalized software and software in development must be performed annually, at a minimum. OpDivs must provide inventory results to the OCIO VMO. OpDivs may request assistance to maintain accountability of software in specific locations and to resolve the issue of missing or found software. The inventory must also include:
- Any software not yet installed; and
- Software residing on laptop computers, but not on the network.
Hardware Asset Management Requirements
OpDivs must provide Hardware asset requirements inclusive of laptops, mobile phones, servers, and all other appliances bi-annually as part of the FITARA and MEGABYTE data call. In addition to details related to each hardware asset, OpDivs/StaffDivs must provide information for the following:
- The tagging process
- A List of Contracts
- A Summary of counts by hardware type
OpDivs continue to meet periodically to refine this set of data elements to ensure consistent reporting from all HHS stakeholders. These data elements are subject to change for further refinement as the OpDiv HAM programs are better defined. Changes will be communicated during each IDC reporting cycle.
a | Manufacturer | Original equipment manufacturer | Dell |
b | Hardware Type | Hardware description | Laptop |
c | Model Number | OEM provided model identifier | Latitude 7390 |
d | Serial Number | OEM provided item # | 8b2FDEF7-CC6B-4F4B-9D17-C83B7D025 |
e | HHS Property Tag ID | Barcode tag number assigned to the hardware | 425364 |
f | Status | Active or end of life | Active |
g | Role/Purpose | Mission requirement | Day-to-day Operations |
h | Ownership | Specify OpDiv purchasing hardware / maintenance | CDC |
i | Shared Asset | Shared at enterprise level, between two OpDivs, or not shared | Not Shared |
j | Date of Procurement | The date the hardware was acquired | 7/2/2020 |
k | Lifecycle | The duration of intended use | Three years |
l | Expected Date of Retirement | End of service date | 7/30/2023 |
m | Software Assets Tied to Hardware Asset | List of the software products associated with hardware | Office 365, Adobe, Tableau |
n | Vendor Classification | Business/socioeconomic classification of the vendor/ reseller | Large Business |
o | Re-Seller Name | Vendor who sold the product | Dell |
p | Purchasing Agency | Specify agency purchasing software licenses / maintenance | HHS |
q | Purchasing Sub-Agency / Org | Specify Sub-agency/ Org purchasing licenses / maintenance | CDC |
r | Sub-Agency / Org. POC | Primary Point of contact and contact information | Mario Lemieux, |
s | Contracting Office / Officer | CO Name and contact details | Sidney Crosby, |
u | Requisition Order Number | Number that is assigned | GS-07F-9926H |
v | (Purchase) Order Number | Awarded number in Prism | HHSM-500-2013-00294G |
w | Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) | Specific CLIN, if applicable | 3 |
x | Period of Perform. End Date | Last day of the current contract option year | 09/27/2020 |
y | Unit Type | Unit of measure | Each |
z | Baseline Price | Initial price paid | $300 |
aa | Unit Price | Price paid per unit/maintenance provided | $330 |
ab | Unit Count | Total number of units purchased | 1 |
ac | Additional Discounts | Any additional discounts provided | 20% |
ad | Total Cost Savings | Value of savings | $60 |
ae | Total Unit Savings | Value of savings per unit | $60 |
Computer Asset Requirements
Current requirements includes completing OMB bi-annual data call. These data elements will be updated to include additional assets as identified by this policy.
In conjunction with the data elements below, OpDivs will also provide a short transition plan that addresses their agency’s steps and scheduled milestones for the process of migrating to the preferred vehicles for desktop and laptop acquisition. The plan should specifically address the transition and implementation of all of the agency requirements outlined in the workstation memorandum.
Current Contracts | |||
List all current contract vehicles your agency is using to purchase laptops and desktops, including BPAs, IDIQs, GWACs, GSA schedules, and stand-alone contracts. All contracts should be reported regardless of whether the equipment is purchased, leased, or outsourced as part of a managed service. Do not list purchase orders, purchase card transactions, or delivery orders placed under a parent contract. Group all spend data at the parent contract level. | |||
a | Contract Number/PIID | ||
b | Vehicle to be phased out? | Yes or No | |
Contract Transition | |||
Indicate the historical and anticipated spend your agency plans to allocate to each contract vehicle listed below. Report values in millions of dollars. The data provided in this table should reflect current strategic thinking with an understanding that it is subject to change based on new budgetary requirements, pricing data, and other factors. | |||
c | Contract Vehicle | ||
d | Fiscal Year (FY) Spend | Enter Agency Spend in millions for the current fiscal year | 1M |
e | Next FY Spend | Enter anticipated Agency spend in millions for the next fiscal year | 2M |
Device Inventory | |||
Indicate quantities for the historical and anticipated inventories of desktops and laptops for your agency. Specify the number of devices purchased and discarded each year, which provides data on agency refresh of these devices. The FY17 and FY18 data provided should reflect your current inventory actions, as well as your projections. | |||
f | Desktop and Laptop Inventory | Inventory of devices purchased and discarded annually | Actual inventory |
g | Current FY Device Quantities | Enter number of devices purchased and discarded in current fiscal year | P: 500 D: 100 |
h | Next FY Device Quantities | Enter number of anticipated devices purchased and discarded in next fiscal year | P: 600 D: 200 |
Uniform Agency-Wide Refresh Cycle | |||
Indicate the Uniform Refresh Cycle to which your agency has committed, as stated in M-16-02, Uniform Refresh Cycle section. The agency shall refresh their laptop and desktop at either a 4- or 5-year cycle. Provide your agency's quarterly actual and planned laptop and desktop procurements in the table below. | |||
i | Actual Units Procured | Units procured per quarter over the fiscal year | Q1: 4 Q2: 7 Q3: 1 Q4: 10 |
j | Planned Units to Procure | Anticipated over the next fiscal year | Q1: 11 Q2: 8 Q3: 17 Q4: 5 |
Mobile Asset Management (MAM) Requirements
Current requirements includes completing OMB bi-annual data call. These data elements will be updated to include additional assets as identified by this Policy.
a | Agency | Agency Name | CDC |
b | Carrier | Domestic Carrier | Verizon |
c | Contract Vehicle | Wireless services contract vehicle. | Select from the following: •GSA FSSI •GSA IT Schedule 70 •Navy Wireless •Army- USAF BPA •SEWP •Other |
d | Voice Minutes Purchased | Total number of minutes purchased for your voice minutes (excludes "unlimited voice plans) | 1000 |
e | Voice Minutes Used | Total number of minutes used (including "unlimited" voice plans) | 800 |
f | Data GBs Purchased | Total amount of purchased cellular data (excludes "unlimited" data plans) | 1000GB |
g | Data GBs Used | Total amount of used cellular data (including usage on "unlimited" data plans) | 500GB |
h | Number of Smart Phones | Total number of smartphones | 1000 |
i | Number of Tablets | Total number of tablets containing wireless access through one of the carriers (including Apple iOS, Android, Windows, etc.). This number does not include tablets accessed via Wi-Fi access only. | 5 |
j | Number of Voice Only Phones | Total number of cell phones (devices with no data plan) | 20 |
k | Number of Data Only Phones | Total number of other connected devices such as wearables, hotspots, air cards, pagers, etc. | 30 |
l | Total Monthly Invoice Fees and Other Non-Recurring Charges | Sum of invoiced fees, taxes, surcharges, device costs, and international roaming (absent service plan costs) | $5000 |
m | Total Monthly Invoice Cost | Total invoiced costs (complete) | $5000 |
n | Number of Unlimited Data Plans | Total number of purchased "unlimited" data plans | 100 |
o | Number of Unlimited Voice Plans | Total number of purchased "unlimited" voice plans | 50 |
p | POC Name/Email | Point-of-contact name and email for this agency report | Mario Lemieux, |
q | Number of Public Safety or Emergency Response Providers | Total number of users defined as public safety or emergency response providers. | 2 |
Telecommunication Asset Requirements
Please refer to the descriptions and sample data below for guidance regarding how to populate the non-GSA contract inventory template.
a | Agency Identifier/AHC | Agency AHC or another identifier that helps to identify that the records belong to your Agency | 7501ASAXIOXXXXXXXXXXWITS3821 7501OS_ROCKVILLE |
Populate Agency Hierarchy Code (AHC) or similar Agency Identifier included on contract billing and/or inventory data. |
b | OPDIV | Agency AB Code | 7501 | |
c | CONTRACT_ID | Identifier or descriptor that provides detail into the procurement type | UNIVERSAL WITS |
d | CONTRACT NAME | Name of the contract under which the telecommunication services were procured | NETWORX WITS3 |
e | CONTRACTOR_NAME | Name of the contractor | VERIZON | |
f | SERVICE ABBREVIATION | Service description acronym | VS | |
g | SERVICE_DESCRIPTION | Full description of the service | Voice Service | |
h | SERVICE PURPOSE | What is the primary purpose for the service? | Alternative access service for voice data network | Briefly summarize the business purpose for the telecomm service |
i | CIRCUIT_ID | Circuit Identifier | 4.IBXX.63258..PN | |
j | PHONE_NO | Telephone Number | 703-555-5555 | |
k | COR NAME | Contracting Officer's Representative | Sidney Crosby | Full COR name that placed the order for service |
l | COR EMAIL | Email Address | | |
m | ORDER_TYPE | What type of order is associated with the service record? | New | New, Install, Change, Disconnect |
n | INSTALL_DATE | The date the service record was installed | YYYY/MM/DD 2020/11/20 |
Ensure to populate consistent date formats for all records - such as the input mask to the left. |
o | NSC | Network Site Code - code that represents address associated with the service and is used to calculate pricing | WASHDCZE | If you do not have this information you can look in up in the Agency Pricer |
p | ADDRESS | Street address associated with the service | 200 INDEPENDENCE AVE SW | This should be the service address |
q | CITY | City | WASHINGTON | " |
r | STATE | State - usually input as abbreviation | DC | " |
s | ZIP | ZIP | 20515 | " |
t | COUNTRY | USA | Populate originating or terminating if this will have a bearing/impact on pricing | |
u | DISCONNECT_DATE | The date the service record was disconnected | YYYY/MM/DD 2020/11/20 |
Populate if historical data provided |
v | BAN | Billing Account Number | 3000001102042 SF000727 |
Billing Account Number ifit is tied to a Billing Account Number |
v | ANNUAL COST | The annual cost for the telecommunication service. If there are cost deviations caused by standard usage cycles, please provide this detail. For example, at the end of the year, CMS' Voice usage increases significantly due to Medicare/Medicaid annual enrollment. | $500,000 every 12 months | Average Annual Cost |
Appendix B: Standards
Please note that this appendix is subject to change at any time. The current version of this Policy will always reside in the OCIO Policy Library.
No standards are required to comply with this Policy.
Appendix C: Guidance
Please note that this appendix is subject to change at any time. The current version of this Policy will always reside in the OCIO Policy Library.
ITAM Centralization Plan
An ITAM centralization plan for is under development as part of the creation of the ITAM Program. This appendix will be updated with the centralization plan to cover software, hardware, and telecommunications assets management and the appropriate governance in FY 2021, upon HHS CIO approval.
IT Asset Best Practices/Guidance
Record the asset as soon as it enters the organization
As soon as your organization has taken delivery of an asset, it should be recorded in your asset management system. Ideally, it should be recorded with its serial/license number so that it can be reconciled against inventory data.
Establish clear asset retirement and disposal processes
These processes ensure that an asset is recorded as retired when it is no longer in use and disposed as soon as it leaves the organization. There should also be processes to pick up devices that have been lost, damaged or stolen as well as tracking devices that are in storage. Note that devices in storage that have installed software often require a license for that software. The retirement/disposal process should include identifying and reclaiming software licenses from the devices.
Track lifecycle decision factors
Establish a tagging system. One of the key pieces of information that tells us that an asset is active is the date that it was last inventoried. This gives confidence that software licensing calculations are accurate. However, there are many reasons why an inventory date may not be current, such as the fact the user of the device is on extended leave. To help manage this, it is good practice to keep a record of these additional factors. For example, store the reason why a device is offline and the date when the device will be back online. Accurately storing the asset role can help too (e.g., a standby server may not be expected to be online).
Identify and track system metrics
Keep track of metrics that indicate the health of the data and implement processes to improve those metrics. Some examples of these metrics are:
- Assets with no assigned role
- Assets not owned by any entity in the organization
- Assets that have not reported inventory within 180 days
- Assets no longer in use that are still reporting inventory
- Assets that have not reported inventory at all
- Assets with no serial number
Appendix D: Forms and Templates
Please note that this appendix is subject to change at any time. The current version of this Policy will always reside in the OCIO Policy Library.
No forms or templates are required to comply with this Policy.
Glossary and Acronyms
- Contract Line Item Number (CLIN): A unique number used to identify billable items; a term used to describe an item that can have a single unit price; a contract line item must be identified separately from any other items or services on the contract.
- Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS): A comprehensive solution-based vehicle to address all aspects of federal agency information technology telecommunications, and infrastructure requirements.
- Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) Services: Services provided by the contractor to the customers under the EIS contract acquisition(s).
- Information Technology (IT): Computers, ancillary equipment peripheral equipment designed to be controlled by the central processing unit of a computer, software, firmware and similar procedures, services, and related Information Technology Asset any IT related item (tangible or intangible) that have value to an organization Assets are the lowest level at which IT is planned, acquired, implemented, and operated.
- Hardware Asset Management (HAM): The management of physical components (desktops, laptops) and computer networks from the procurement stage to the retirement of the asset.
- Information Technology Asset Management (ITAM): A set of business practices that combines financial, inventory and contractual functions to optimize spending and support lifecycle management and strategic decision-making.
- Information Technology Asset Management Centralization Plan: A detailed plan that establishes a framework to centralize HHS software assets and authorizes the Software Manager to apply organizational resources to reduce life cycle costs and improve software asset management practices, in accordance with OMB Category Management Policy 16-1.
- Software: Refers to computer programs that comprise a series of instructions, rules, routines, or statements, regardless of the media in which recorded, that allow or cause a computer to perform a specific operation or series of operations; and (ii) recorded information comprising source code listings, design details, algorithms, processes, flow charts, formulas, and related material that would enable the computer program to be produced, created, or compiled. Software does not include computer databases or computer software documentation.
- Software Asset Management (SAM): The process of tracking, monitoring and reporting the use and ownership of software assets throughout their lifecycle, including licenses, versions, and installed endpoints. This includes enterprise software license agreements, subscriptions and commercial software licenses.
- Software License Management (SLM): The proactive approach to SAM that enables accurate procurement and deployment of software licenses based on contract entitlements, product use rights, and actual usage.
- ASA – The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration
- ASFR – The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources
- CFO – Chief Financial Officer
- CIO – Chief Information Officer
- CLIN – Contract Line Item Number
- COR – Contracting Officer Representative
- COTS – Commercial Off-The-Shelf
- EIS – Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions
- ESCT - Enterprise Software Category Team
- FAR – Federal Acquisition Regulation
- FITARA – Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform
- HAM – Hardware Asset Management
- HHS – Department of Health and Human Services
- IDC – Integrated Data Collection
- IT – Information Technology
- IUS – Internal Use Software
- MAM – Mobile Asset Management
- MEGABYTE – Making Electronic Government Accountable By Yielding Tangible Efficiencies
- OCIO – Office of the Chief Information Officer
- OCPO – Office of the Chief Product Officer
- OMB – Office of Management and Budget
- OpDiv – HHS Operating Division
- PMO – Program Management Office
- SaaS – Software as a Service
- SLM – Software License Management
- SAM – Software Asset Management
- VMO – Vendor Management Office