Effective Date: 08/15/2019
Document Change History
Version Number | Release Date | Summary of Changes | Section/Page | Changes Made By |
1 |
08/15/2019 |
Release |
N/A |
Office of Human Resources Policy & Accountability Division on behalf of OHR Executive Resources Division |
J. Blair Duncan
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources
August 15, 2019
Scott W. Rowell
Assistant Secretary for Administration
August 15, 2019
A. Purpose
This guidance is provided to establish procedures for U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) management of vacated career Senior Executive Service (SES) positions.
B. Coverage
This guidance covers HHS management of career SES positions.
C. References
- HHS Executive Resources Board (ERB) Presentation, May 21, 2019
- Appendix A, SES Vacated Position Determination Process
- Appendix B, SES Job Opportunity Announcement Timeline
D. Definitions
- Vacated Position. Incumbent has vacated the position.
- Backfilled Position. Unencumbered position will be recruited for and filled with the same occupational series and title.
- Repurposed Position. Unencumbered position will be recruited for and filled with a different occupational series and title to reflect mission changes.
- Position Status. General or Career Reserved position status designation.
- General. Positions that may be filled by any type of SES appointee -- career, non-career, limited term or limited emergency.
- Career Reserved. Positions which, as defined in law, are "to ensure impartiality, or public's confidence of impartiality of government." These positions can only be filled by career appointees.
E. Forms
The forms are located at https://intranet.hhs.gov/working-at-hhs/intranet-forms
- SES Vacated Position Disposition Form, HHS-852, August 2019
- Executive Pay Setting and Appointment Form, HHS-853, August 2019
F. Responsibilities
- HHS Executive Resources Board (ERB):
- Review career SES vacated positions.
- Reallocate career SES positions as required.
- Office of Human Resources, Executive Resources Division (HHS/OHR/ERD):
- Concur/sign SES Vacated Position Disposition Form HHS-852, August 2019, and return to the OpDiv/StaffDiv Human Resources Office (HRO) within 24 hours.
- Monitor vacated positions and update SES Position Management Report monthly.
- OpDiv/StaffDiv HRO:
- Determine vacated position disposition as backfill or repurpose. Monitor vacated positions.
- Notify HHS/OHR/ERD within 30 calendar days of effective date of position being vacated by completing and forwarding the SES Vacated Position Disposition Form HHS-852, August 2019, to the HHS/OHR/ERD email box at SESStaffing@hhs.gov.
- Post the SES job opportunity announcement within 45 calendar days of receiving the concurred/signed SES Vacated Position Disposition Form HHS-852, August 2019, from HHS/OHR/ERD, and notify ERD by email at SESStaffing@hhs.gov (Contact Director, ERD for exceptions).
- Submit Executive Pay Setting & Appointment Form HHS-853, August 2019, by email to the HHS/OHR/ERD email box at SESStaffing@hhs.gov upon selection.
G. Procedures
- SES Vacated Position Determination Process (see Appendix A)
- OpDiv/StaffDiv HRO will notify HHS/OHR/ERD within 30 calendar days of decision to backfill or repurpose the position. (30 calendar days begin on the exact date the position is vacated.)
- SES Vacated Position Disposition Form HHS-852, August 2019, will be forwarded electronically to the HHS/OHR/ERD email box at SESStaffing@hhs.gov.
- HHS/OHR/ERD will concur/sign the SES Vacated Position Disposition Form HHS-852, August 2019, and will electronically return to the OpDiv/StaffDiv HRO within 24 hours.
- OpDiv/StaffDiv vacated position decisions not provided to HHS/OHR/ERD within 30 calendar days will result in position being returned to the ERB.
- SES Job Opportunity Announcement Timeline Process (see Appendix B)
- OpDiv/StaffDiv HRO will notify HHS/OHR/ERD by email at SESStaffing@hhs.gov of the job opportunity announcement posting to USAJOBS within 45 calendar days of receiving the concurred/signed SES Vacated Position Disposition Form HHS-852, August 2019 (Contact Director, ERD for exceptions).
- Job opportunity announcements not posted to USAJOBS within 45 calendar days of receiving the concurred/signed SES Vacated Position Disposition Form HHS-852, August 2019, will result in the position being returned to the ERB.
H. Files
HHS/OHR/ERD will electronically maintain all forms for position management actions for seven years in accordance with the Federal Records Act of 1950.
I. Guidance Information
Owned by: Office of Human Resources, Executive Resources Division (ERD)
Effective date: August 15, 2019
Policy Contact Information: SESStaffing@hhs.gov
Appendix A: SES Vacated Position Determination Process

Appendix B: SES Job Opportunity Announcement Timeline Process