Transportation Services, an office of the Program Support Center (PSC), provides transportation and travel shared services to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), minimizing the public burden of federal agency business administration costs and enabling HHS operating components and trading partners to devote their resources to performing their core missions and reaching their critical objectives.
Transit Benefit Program Management
Distribution of the monthly transit benefit to eligible government agency employees to use with qualified transportation in commuting between their home and the place of work. The program supports both HHS customers and customers of other federal agencies.
Travel and Transportation Program Management
Strategic management and performance in the travel and relocation program areas, and delivery of the enterprise E-Gov Travel Service.
Charge Card Program Management
Implementation and management of the Department’s participation in the General Services Administration’s SmartPay Program and management of the Department’s overall charge card program, including the business relationship with the Government contractor bank, charge card availability, and performance and compliance for the travel, fleet, and transit service areas.
Fleet Operations
Day-to-day motor vehicle fleet operations management, performance and services. This includes fleet policy, driver services, and Department participation in the General Services Administration fleet and leased vehicle programs.
Information, Toolkits & More
Unique Web-based resource of “all things” related to transportation services through the internal Transportation & Relocation Information Portal, or “TRIP site.” Users within the HHS Web domain can find a wide variety of tools, job aids, training videos, information, guidance, and fact sheets to enable their success.
Access the TRIP site here (HHS domain access only; not publicly available): https://hhsgov.sharepoint.com/sites/asa/psc/rlo/TransportationServices
Contact Us
Transportation Services PSC Contacts:
HHS employees should use the Transportation & Relocation Information Portal (“TRIP site”) on the HHS internal domain to obtain services or support. The TRIP site also features access to a customer support queue for requesting support.
Access the TRIP site here (HHS domain access only; not publicly available): hhsgov.sharepoint.com/sites/asa/psc/rlo/TransportationServices/Support