HHS conducts computer matching programs with other federal agencies and with state agencies. A complete list of matching programs currently in effect is provided below, with links to the matching agreement and public notice describing each program. For the definition of “matching program” and exceptions to the definition, see 5 U.S.C. 552a(a)(8); see also the exception at 5 U.S.C. 406(j)(2). For more information about computer matching, see OMB Circular A-108 (Dec. 2016), HHS Data Integrity Board (DIB) Guidelines for Computer Matching Agreements (Aug. 2016), and HHS DIB annual reports.
The federal agency responsible for preparing the documents, obtaining required approvals and signatures, and publishing the matching notice is shown in bold.
This information is posted for transparency and to comply with OMB Memorandum M-17-06.
Administration for Children and Families (ACF):
- HHS 2205 Verification of Unemployment Compensation (UC) Program Eligibility
- Matching Agreement - Parties: HHS/ACF and State Agencies (effective 1/19/23- 7/18/24; renewed to 7/18/25)
- HHS 2206 Verification of State Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program (TANF) Eligibility
- Matching Agreement - Parties: HHS/ACF and State Agencies (effective 1/19/23- 7/18/24; renewed to 7/18/25)
- HHS 2207 Verification of Eligibility for Extra Help (Low Income Subsidy) Under the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program
- Matching Agreement - Parties: SSA and HHS/ACF (effective 11/26/22-5/25/24; renewed to 5/25/25)
- VA-PARIS Information Comparisons and Disclosure to Assist in Administering the Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS) Program
- Matching Agreement - Parties: VA and State Agencies (facilitated by HHS/ACF; the HHS DIB may review but need not approve this matching program) (effective 3/25/23-9/25/24; renewed to 9/25/25)
- HHS 2302 Title II-Office of Child Support Enforcement Quarterly Match
- Matching Agreement - Parties: SSA and HHS/ACF (effective 6/23/23-12/22/24; renewed to 12/22/25)
- HHS 2315 Verification of Employment and Income Analysis
- Matching Agreement - Parties: HHS/ACF and HUD (effective 3/9/24-9/8/25; may be renewed to 9/8/26)
- HHS 2401 Information Comparisons and Disclosures to Assist in Administering the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Matching Agreement - Parties: HHS/ACF and State Agencies (effective 8/16/24-2/15/26; may be renewed to 2/15/27)
- HHS 2406 SSI-OCSS Quarterly Match; and Online Query for SSI, Disability Insurance, and Ticket to Work
- Matching Agreement - Parties: SSA and HHS/ACF (effective 2/6/25-8/5/26; may be renewed to 8/5/27)
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS):
- HHS 2004 Do Not Pay Initiative
- Matching Agreement - Parties: HHS/CMS and Treasury (effective 10/19/2020-10/19/2023; renewed to 10/19/2026)
- HHS 2202 Verification of Household Income and Family Size for Affordable Care Act Insurance Affordability Programs and Exemptions
- Matching Agreement - Parties: HHS/CMS and Treasury/IRS (effective 10/5/22- 4/4/24; renewed to 4/4/25)
- HHS 2301 Determining Enrollment or Eligibility for Insurance Affordability Programs Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
- Matching Agreement - Parties: HHS/CMS and SSA (effective 9/9/23-3/8/25; renewed to 3/8/26)
- HHS 2303 Verification of United States Citizenship and Immigration Status Data for Eligibility Determinations
- Matching Agreement - Parties: HHS/CMS and DHS (effective 10/20/23-4/19/25; may be renewed to 4/19/26)
- HHS 2304 Verification of Eligibility for Minimum Essential Coverage Under the Affordable Care Act Through a VHA Plan
- Matching Agreement - Parties: HHS/CMS and VA (effective 11/2/23-5/1/25; may be renewed to 5/1/26)
- HHS 2306 Verification of Eligibility for Minimum Essential Coverage Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Through An Office of Personnel Management Health Benefit Plan
- Matching Agreement - Parties: HHS/CMS and OPM (effective 12/8/23-6/7/25; may be renewed to 6/7/26)
- HHS 2307 Disclosure of Information to Support Eligibility Determination for Participation in the Federal Lifeline Program
- Matching Agreement - Parties: FCC and HHS/CMS (effective 10/15/23-4/14/25; may be renewed to 4/14/26) [see 88 FR 62573 for dates]
- HHS 2308 Verification of Eligibility for Minimum Essential Coverage Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Through a Peace Corps Health Benefit Plan
- Matching Agreement - Parties: HHS/CMS and Peace Corps (effective 1/1/24-6/30/25; may be renewed to 6/30/26)
- HHS 2309 Disclosure of Nursing Care Facility Admission and Discharge Information
- Matching Agreement - Parties: SSA and HHS/CMS (effective 12/20/23-6/19/25; may be renewed to 6/19/26)
- HHS 2310 Verification of Eligibility for Minimum Essential Coverage Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Through a DoD Health Benefits Plan
- Matching Agreement - Parties: HHS/CMS and DoD (effective 11/30/23-5/29/25; may be renewed to 5/29/26)
- HHS 2311 DoD TRICARE (Disclosure of Enrollment and Eligibility Information for Military Health System Beneficiaries Who Are Medicare Eligible)
- Matching Agreement - Parties: DoD and HHS/CMS (effective 2/13/24-8/12/25; may be renewed to 8/12/26)
- HHS 2314 Determining Eligibility for Enrollment in Applicable State Health Subsidy Programs Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
- Matching Agreement - Parties: HHS/CMS and State Entities (effective 11/14/23-5/13/25; may be renewed to 5/13/26)
- HHS 2402 Disclosure of Information to Support the Veteran Affairs’ Seek to Prevent Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Initiative
- Matching Agreement - Parties: VA and HHS/CMS (effective 11/7/24-5/6/26; may be renewed to 5/6/27)
- HHS 2403 Identification and Recovery of Duplicate Payments for Medical Claims
- Matching Agreement - Parties: HHS/CMS and VA (effective 6/24/24-12/23/25; may be renewed to 12/23/26)
- HHS 2404 Verification of Household Income and Family Size for Affordable Care Act Insurance Affordability Programs and Exemptions
- Matching Agreement Parties: HHS/CMS and Treasury/IRS (effective 4/5/25-10/4/26; may be renewed to 10/4/27)
- HHS 2405 Disclosure of Medicare Non-Utilization Information (Ages 90 and Above)
- Matching Agreement - Parties: SSA and HHS/CMS (effective 1/2/25-7/1/26; may be renewed to 7/1/27)