The Real Estate, Logistics and Operations (RLO)/Building Operations Services (BOS) offers parking-related services to HHS customers located at:
- 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD
- Hubert H. Humphrey (HHH), Washington, DC
Services offered to HHS Agencies within the D.C. metropolitan area include:
- Permit Management: Provide customer service to walk-in customers, answer calls, resolves email inquiries, prepares annual parking update assignments
- Coordination: Coordinate with HHS Facilities Management and Physical Security for maintenance and security needs, respectively
- Policy formulation: Formulate parking policy based on serving location for allocation of spaces, visitor/VIP parking, parking violations, etc.
- Communication: Provide communication on garage status as necessary
Contact Us
General Email: Parking@hhs.gov
5600 Fishers Lane: (301) 443-4440
Hubert H. Humphrey Building: (202) 690-0426
Don DiTullo
Email: Don.DiTullo@psc.hhs.gov
Phone (301) 402-4736
Sid Ohri
Email: Sid.Ohri@psc.hhs.gov
Phone: (202) 868-9909