PSC provides official government mail services to all federal tenants within the New York Regional Headquarters and surrounding buildings. We offer a comprehensive end-to-end solution for our customers. PSC mail operations provides centralized mail support for the entire headquarters facility. We provide a full suite of mail support to include receipt, sorting, delivery and apply postage to outbound official government mail. Our expertise and relationships with the USPS and other carriers means we can go beyond what is standard, to find the smartest, most cost-effective, and quickest mailing solutions, whether you're mailing a few postcards, receiving hundreds of pieces of mail, or sending thousands of letters.
Services offered to HHS Agencies in the New York Regional Headquarters and surrounding buildings include:
We manage all categories of official government documents or packages. This includes receiving, sorting, and delivering:
- Incoming USPS and courier mail
- Interoffice mail
- Certified, registered, and foreign mail
- Interagency mail
- Domestic and international express and ground shipment
- Scanning and automated tracking of incoming mail
- Electronic processing of inbound certified mail, including proof of delivery
- Process domestic and international express and ground shipments
- Process outbound domestic and international express and ground shipments
- Apply postage to outbound official government mail
- Calculate price based on Shape and Size of outbound mail
Resources for Mailing and Tracking Packages
- United States Postal Service: Quick tools and information on services including Zip Code finder, tracking of an accountable package and information on International shipping.
- UPS Packaging Advisor: The packaging advisor is an online tool that will assist with determining what you need for shipments sent via UPS.
- FedEx: Tools and information for shipping and tracking packages sent via FedEx.
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Louis Wilkinson, Jr.