El Programa Kit de Suministros para Recién Nacidos es posible a través de una alianza público-privada entre el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los Estados Unidos (HHS) y una organización sin fines de lucro, Baby2Baby.
El kit sigue el modelo de programas que han tenido éxito en otros países y pretende:
- Reducir el tiempo, el estrés y la carga que supone para los nuevos padres obtener de inmediato los suministros que necesitan.
- Aumentar el conocimiento sobre los servicios gubernamentales y los recursos comunitarios para las nuevas familias.
La distribución equitativa de los kits puede ayudar a reducir el estigma asociado a la búsqueda de servicios gubernamentales y a reducir las disparidades en las comunidades que suelen estar desatendidas.
Results from the 2023 Newborn Supply Kit Pilot
To help us understand if the program was achieving its goals, the Newborn Supply Kit team performed an evaluation of the program to assess its impact. The findings from the 2023 Newborn Supply Kit pilot program show promising results for many of our key outcomes of interest.
- High Satisfaction: 97% of recipients were satisfied or extremely satisfied with their Kit and would recommend it to other new parents.
- Reduced Anxiety and Financial Stress: Two-thirds of respondents felt less anxious and worried after receiving the Kit.
- Increased Trust in Government and Resource Connections: Positive trust in government more than doubled after receiving the Kit.
“This is an incredible and life-changing Kit for so many families in a state where many people are struggling or worried about having the resources to care for their baby.” – New Mexico Mom, Evaluation Feedback
Lista de Inventario
Cuidados posparto
- Compresas nocturnas
- Toallitas de hamamelis
- Crema para pezones
- Protectores mamarios
Cuidado del recién nacido
- Termómetro
- Aspirador nasal
- Vitamina D3
- Pomada para la dermatitis provocada por el pañal
- Pañales
- Toallitas
- Mantitas para envolver al bebé
- Medias
- Paño para eructar
- Champú
- Loción
- Fichas didácticas
- Vale para entrega de comestibles
Baby2Baby is a mega diaper bank and nonprofit organization that provides essential items to children in need across the country. In the last 11 years, Baby2Baby has distributed over 270 million items to children in homeless shelters, domestic violence programs, foster care, hospitals and underserved schools as well as children who have lost everything in the wake of disaster. Baby2Baby is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
HHS is neither involved in fundraising for Baby2Baby’s program operations, nor in the procurement and distribution process for the Newborn Supply Kit contents. For the pilot, Baby2Baby is HHS’ partner in implementation and carries full responsibility for independently financing and implementing initiative logistics.
As we look to expand, we welcome collaboration from additional partners as we scale this program more broadly. Email us if you’re interested in partnering with us.
La segunda fase del Programa de Kits de Suministros para Recién Nacidos ampliará los tres estados de distribución inicial al agregar siete estados adicionales al servicio:
- Alabama
- Arkansas*
- California
- Georgia
- Luisiana*
- Misisipi
- Nuevo México*
- Nueva York
- Tennessee
- Texas
Mientras continúe este programa piloto, los kits se distribuirán a las familias en los Centros de salud con calificación federal, hospitales participantes o a través de organizaciones comunitarias. No hay condiciones ni requisitos para recibir un kit. Se trata de un programa de participación voluntaria. Cualquier familia que haya recibido servicios de nuestros socios tiene derecho a recibir un kit, independientemente de su nivel de ingresos u otros requisitos.
Tenemos previsto ampliar el programa a más lugares para que más familias puedan acceder a estos kits tras el nacimiento de su nuevo bebé.
On December 13th, 2021, President Biden signed E.O. 14058, Transforming Federal Customer Experience and Service Delivery to Rebuild Trust in Government. Executive Order 14058 directs the Federal government to identify “life experiences” that require interactions with multiple Federal agencies. Too often, people have to navigate a web of government websites, offices, and phone numbers to access the services they depend on. Government needs to better design and deliver services to meet people’s needs in these moments.
This charter establishes the President’s Management Council’s cross-government effort and interagency team, as envisioned in E.O. 14058, to tackle the designated life experience of “Having a child and early childhood.”
Our north star is that every family with a child under 5 should have access to: health care, food, employment security and financial stability, housing, and child care, with a focus on optimizing parents’ health and well-being, as well as their babies’.
The vision for the Newborn Supply Kit is to be a one-time, universal service delivered in collaboration with community organizations. The Kit provides families with basic physical supplies crucial to the first few weeks after delivery, as well as information about Federal programs and benefits, key developmental milestones, and other helpful information to build trust and form a foundation of relationships for further service connections.
Learn more about the “Having a child and early childhood” Life Experience Project.
Cómo asociarse con nosotros
¿Le interesa asociarse con el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos para apoyar el Programa Kit de Suministros para Recién Nacidos? Comuníquese con nuestro equipo de Oficina de Asociaciones Estratégicas en partnerwithus@hhs.gov.