Browse resources from the HHS family of agencies.
Each of our Operating Divisions provides tools and data for scientists, researchers, and others interested in our work.
- ACF Office of Planning, Research, & Evaluation (Administration for Children & Families)
- ACL Data & Evaluations (Administration for Community Living)
- AHRQ Research Tools & Data (Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality)
- CDC for Researchers (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention)
- CMS Research, Statistics, Data, & Systems (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
- FDA Science & Research (Food & Drug Administration)
- HRSA Data & Statistics (Health Resources & Services Administration)
- IHS Research Program (Indian Health Service)
- NIH Research & Training (National Institutes of Health)
- SAMHSA Data, Outcomes, & Quality (Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration)
Get statistics and reports on births, deaths, diseases, health care spending, and the health profession workforce.
- National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) – Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)
- FastStats A to Z (CDC)
- Health E-Stats (CDC) – Web-only release of selected statistics
- Health, United States (CDC) – Annual report on trends in health statistics
- Health Data Interactive (CDC) – Customizable tables of national health statistics
- CDC Wonder – Database for ad-hoc queries of public health data
- Public-Use Data Files and Documentation (CDC) – Downloadable public-use data files
- America's Young Adults ( – Child and family statistics
- Medicare/Medicaid Research, Statistics, Data, & Systems (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
- Health System Measurement Project – Tracks government data on critical U.S. health system indicators
- Health Workforce Analysis (Health Resources & Services Administration)
- HHS Evaluation Database – Evaluation studies conducted by HHS
- Guide to HHS Surveys and Data Resources – Lists major data collection systems sponsored by HHS