The Policy and Program Coordination Division is topically organized into offices for Agency Coordination, Executive Operations Office, Multilateral Affairs, Pandemics and Emerging Threats, the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, and Trade and Health.
Agency Liaison Office
The role of the Agency Liaison Office (ALO) is to coordinate and collaborate within and between the Office of Global Affairs, other Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) divisions, and other United States Government (USG) agencies on matters of global health and human services. The Office communicates key information and responds to issues and concerns to help ensure that HHS global partnerships are most effective and align with domestic and international policies.
Key activities of the ALO include:
- Addressing challenges related to global health and human services
- Supporting HHS Divisions related to the global portfolio
- Supporting Health Attachés placed in strategic countries worldwide
- Reviewing, negotiating, and clearing health and human services arrangements and Material Transfer and Data Agreements with international entities for HHS
- Researching, analyzing, providing recommendations, and implementing changes that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of HHS global activities
- Coordinating with other USG agencies, the Offices of the Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources (ASFR) and the Assistant Secretary for Legislation (ASL), and other HHS divisions on Government Accountability Office and Congressional engagements related to the HHS global portfolio
- Organizing briefings on various health and human service areas for the diplomatic community
Executive Operations Office
Multilateral Affairs
Pandemics and Emerging Threats Office
OGA’s Pandemics and Emerging Threats Office engages with other U.S. government agencies, foreign governments, multilateral and international organizations, and civil society organizations to set policy and support initiatives in health security including: pandemic influenza, Global Health Security Agenda, antimicrobial resistance, one health, emerging pandemic threats (e.g. Ebola, Yellow Fever, and Zika), preparedness and response, countering biological threats, biosafety and biosecurity, and other challenges.
President's Emergency Plan for Aids Relief (PEPFAR) Office
The OGA/PEPFAR Office works with HHS and U.S. Government (USG) agencies implementing PEPFAR to ensure the USG is leveraging HHS’s scientific and technical expertise to accelerate HIV epidemic control and achieve an AIDS-free generation.
Trade and Health Office
OGA’s Trade and Health Office provides expertise to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on health-related trade issues and represents HHS in the development of U.S. trade policy.