Want to use our campaign ads?
The ads below were developed for the Risk Less. Do More. campaign to raise awareness of respiratory viruses and promote the benefits of getting this season’s flu, COVID-19, and RSV vaccines. They include video, social, and digital assets with messages tailored to priority audiences.
You can use these ads at no cost to support your own efforts to promote flu, COVID-19, and RSV vaccines in your community.
To learn more about what ads are available and how you can use them, contact us. We will respond to your inquiry in two to three business days.
Adults 60+
Find campaign ads that you can use to reach adults ages 60 and older.
People 65 and older who didn’t get last season's vaccines were twice as likely to wind up in the hospital. Be ready for the road ahead with this season’s updated flu and COVID vaccines.
You don’t stop being you just because you hit 65. But you do face more risk from flu and COVID-19. Get this season’s vaccines and keep doing more.
Older adults in long-term care can cut their risk of flu, COVID-19, and RSV hospitalization nearly in half with this season's vaccines.
Adults 65 and older are 10x more likely to be hospitalized by flu, COVID-19, or RSV than people under 50. Vaccines are your best defense.
Last season 90% of adults who were hospitalized for COVID-19 were not up to date on their vaccines. Get your vaccine today.
Last season, 2 out of 3 adults hospitalized for flu or COVID-19 were 65 or older. Vaccines are your best defense.
Long-Term Care Home Residents
Find campaign ads that you can use to reach people who live in long-term care homes.
In long-term care, your risk for severe flu, COVID-19, and RSV is higher. Vaccines help keep serious illness out of your plans.
Most residents in long-term care live with a health issue that raises their risk of severe flu, COVID-19, or RSV. Talk to them about getting their vaccines.
RSV can spread quickly in long-term care homes, but an RSV vaccine lowers your risk of serious illness.
If you're 75 or older, or 60 or older and living in a long-term care home, ask about an RSV vaccine.
Residents in long-term care homes face a higher risk of severe RSV. Protect yourself and those around you. Talk to your doctor about getting vaccinated.
Find campaign ads that you can use to reach caregivers—adults who care for a family member or other loved one and help guide their health care decisions.
Last year, flu and COVID hospitalized nearly one million people over 65. Reduce the risk of hospitalization for your loved ones. Help them get vaccinated for flu and COVID-19.
Nearly 1 million people 65 and older were hospitalized last year due to flu and COVID-19. Getting vaccinated cuts this risk in half.
Last year alone, flu and COVID-19 hospitalized nearly 1 million moms, dads, favorite uncles, and grandmas over 65. Talk to your loved one about getting this season’s vaccines.
If someone you love is 65+, talk with them about vaccines and help protect your family treasures.
If someone you love is 65+, talk with them about vaccines that could help lower their risk.
Adults 65+ are 10x more likely than people under 50 to be hospitalized by flu, COVID-19, or RSV. So talk with her about vaccines.
Pregnant Women
Find campaign ads that you can use to reach pregnant women.
Before you even meet your new baby, you can protect them against severe flu and COVID-19 by getting this season’s vaccines. These vaccines can help protect your little one over their first six months of life.
You can protect your baby now against severe illness during their first six months of life by getting your flu, COVID-19, and RSV vaccines.
You can cut the risk of serious illness for both you and your baby by getting this season’s vaccines.
RSV can spell danger for newborns. You can help protect them by getting a maternal RSV vaccine in your third trimester.
Getting a maternal RSV vaccine between 32 and 36 weeks can protect your baby over their first six months of life.
Infants have a higher risk of hospitalization from respiratory viruses, but your flu and COVID-19 vaccines help protect you both.
Health Care Providers
Find campaign ads that you can use to reach health care providers.
Your recommendation carries a lot of weight. Take a moment to discuss the risks presented by flu and COVID-19, particularly for older patients and pregnant people. Let them know this season’s vaccines can reduce their risk of severe illness.
Expectant moms depend on their OB/GYN to help them do all they can for their babies – let them know how much vaccines help lower flu, COVID-19, and RSV risks.
When your patients ask about flu vaccines, remind them that COVID-19 and RSV vaccines also help keep them out of the hospital.
Last year, 2 out of 3 COVID-19 hospitalizations were of adults 65+. 2 out of 3! Let your patients know the risk they're living with and how vaccines can help.
The risk of flu, COVID-19, or RSV hospitalizing one of your patients 75 or older is double the risk for adults ages 65–74. It’s a risk many don’t know they’re living with, so remind them—vaccines lower their risk.
Urgent care doctors can help lower hospitalizations every day even for patients they don't see every day. Let your patients know how much vaccines help lower their risk.
Adults 18–64
Find campaign ads that you can use to reach adults ages 18–64.
Are you up to date with your flu and COVID-19 vaccines? Even if you were vaccinated in the past, your immunity weakens, so it's time to boost your defense.
Coming down with a severe case of flu or COVID-19 can get in your way. Vaccines help keep symptoms mild, so get this season’s vaccines.
Protecting yourself against getting really sick from flu and COVID-19 is one choice you won't regret. Plus, you can get this season's flu and COVID-19 vaccines at the same time.
Protect yourself with the flu and COVID-19 vaccines, so you don't miss out.
Double up on your protection this season with both flu and COVID-19 vaccines for the best defense against getting really sick. Last year, vaccines prevented nearly 9 million flu cases and cut COVID-19 hospitalizations in half.
Protect yourself this season with the flu vaccine. Last year, vaccines prevented nearly 9 million flu cases. Get your flu shot today!